858.000 - Financial Aid Advisory Committee

The Financial Aid Advisory Committee will consider student appeals to reinstate financial aid eligibility. The committee may recommend to the dean of enrollment services courses of action to take in financial aid matters to improve financial aid administration: e.g. satisfactory academic progress standards; procedural improvements; courses of action to be taken regarding criminal wrongdoing such as fraud, forgery, falsification of official records, etc.; and any other matters concerning financial aid that the dean of enrollment services deems appropriate.


  1. One faculty representing general education programs (two-year appointment)
  2. One faculty representing occupational and technical programs (two-year appointment)
  3. One faculty representing vocational programs (two-year appointment)
  4. One counseling faculty (two-year appointment)
  5. One exempt staff member (two-year appointment)
  6. One classified staff member (two-year appointment)
  7. One representative appointed by the office of multicultural student affairs (two-year appointment)
  8. One full-time student appointed by the ASCC (one-year appointment)
  9. One business services representative (two-year appointment)
  10. Assistant financial aid director (standing member, non-voting administrative and technical assistant to the committee)

All committee members are appointed by the vice president of student affairs. The vice president of student affairs will consult with the AHE president for faculty appointments. Members cannot serve more than three consecutive two-year terms. Voting members may not substitute replacements for themselves when they are unable to attend meetings.

The chair is selected by the committee for the academic year.