895.000 - Technology Fee Committee

The purpose of the Technology Fee Committee is to:

  1. Review and approve the annual technology fee budget.

  2. Review and approve proposals for special projects to be funded with technology fee funds.

  3. Monitor and evaluate information technology services to students and recommend action to improve/expand services.

  4. Work with the Information Technology Council and Information Technology Services on information technology planning.


  1. Director of information technology services, chair (standing member)
  2. Instructional administrator appointed by the vice president of instruction (standing member)
  3. Director of business services (standing member) 
  4. Two faculty members appointed by the vice president of instruction (two-year appointments)
  5. ASCC president or designee selected from ASCC executive council (one-year appointment)
  6. ASCC finance director or designee selected from ASCC executive council (one-year appointment)
  7. Two ASCC representatives, not members of ASCC student government, appointed by the ASCC executive council (one-year appointments)
  8. Director of student life and multicultural student affairs (advisory member, non-voting)