Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA)

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 - also known as the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act - requires institutions of higher education to establish policies that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs for faculty, staff and students. Clark College faculty, staff and students are also subject to federal and Washington state laws.

The College is required, through the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (DFSCA), to produce a biennial review of their alcohol and other drug programs and policies. The purpose of this report is to determine program effectiveness and consistency of policy enforcement for students and employees of the college to identify and implement necessary changes. Clark College will perform a review every two years

The DFSCA requires the establishment of a drug and alcohol prevention program, which includes the notification below. All members of the Clark College Community are encouraged to review the notification and information on the linked pages. This information is also distributed, at a minimum,  on an annual basis to faculty, staff and students via mass e-mail to Clark-assigned e-mail accounts.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires that each institution distribute the following in writing to all students and employees annually:

DFSCA Clark College Contacts


Gerald Gabbard (Human Resources)

Clark College Security


Christi Williams (Student Affairs)

Clark College Security