892.000 - Student Conduct Committee
The Student Conduct Committee will be convened by the vice president of student affairs or designated conduct officer no later than October 15 of each academic year. The committee provides a fair and impartial hearing and makes decisions on all disciplinary decisions appealed to it. Vacancies on the committee will be filled as they arise.
- Two full-time students and two alternates appointed by the ASCC vice president of elections and appointments (one-year appointments)
- Two faculty members and two alternates appointed by the vice president of instruction (two-year appointments, staggered terms)
- One member of the administration, other than the vice president of student affairs, and one alternate appointed by the president of the College (two-year appointments)
A quorum of the committee consists of three members with at least one student member present. All committee members have voting rights.
The chair is selected by the committee.