834.000 - Data Governance and Stewardship Committee
The purpose of the Data Integrity and Stewardship Committee is to ensure the validity, accuracy, and consistency of information recorded in all the college’s enterprise and local information technology systems and solutions. The Data Governance Committee oversees the development and implementation of policies and procedures that impact the integrity of data. The committee makes recommendations to ensure coding processes are:
- Documented
- Aligned with SBCTC policies
- Consistent throughout the college thus ensuring accurate coding.
These recommendations are intended to ensure processes keep the data collected in alignment with the college’s efforts in continuous improvement, institutional effectiveness, management of resources, and accountability.
- Planning and Effectiveness, Associate Vice President of Planning and Effectiveness
- Financial Aid, appointed by the Associate Dean of Financial Aid
- Registration, appointed by the Registrar
- Admissions, appointed by the Associate Director of Entry Services
- Advising, appointed by the Director of Advising
- Enrollment Services, appointed by the Dean of Enrollment Services
- Human Resources, appointed by the Vice President of Human Resources and Compliance
- Payroll, appointed by the Director of Business Services
- Business Services (Budget), appointed by the Director of Business Services
- Information Technology Services, appointed by the Chief Information Officer
- Information Technology Services, appointed by the Chief Information Officer
- Instructional Budget, appointed by the Office of Instruction Budget Analyst 4
- Instruction Academic Services, appointed by the Associate Dean of Academic Operations
- Facilities, appointed by the Director of Facilities
- Economic and Community Development, appointed by the Vice President of Economic and Community Development
- ctcLink, Clark College Project Director
New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
August 14, 2018