805.000 - Adjunct Faculty Affairs Committee

The Adjunct Faculty Affairs Committee gathers information about the issues and concerns of adjunct
faculty and makes recommendations to improve adjunct faculty working conditions. The committee will
distribute recommendations at least yearly to the AHE president and the vice president of instruction.

Members: Appointed jointly by the AHE president and the vice president of instruction for one-year terms.

  1. One adjunct faculty member from each instructional unit (including at least one affiliate faculty member) (one-year appointment)
  2. One tenured faculty member (one-year appointment)
  3. One instructional unit dean (one-year appointment)

The committee chair will be elected from the membership. Meetings will be open to the College community, and agendas and meeting notes will be published on the ClarkNet.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by the Board of Trustees (CCAHE Agreement)
March 16, 2009