806.000 - Advising Steering Committee

The purpose of the Academic Excellence Council is to improve the college's effectiveness and progress, holistically, toward meeting the academic excellence objectives and outcomes as well as recommend improvement strategies within the context of the objectives under academic excellence and guided pathways to decision-making bodies.  The work of this council results in improved student learning by assessing and identifying tools (e.g., textbooks) and strategies to improve the conditions for intellectual growth through scholarship, discovery, application, creativity, and critical thinking. The council will make recommendations to college leadership teams and other appropriate committees and groups to meet the academic excellence objectives. These recommendations will be developed based on careful and continuous assessment and review of the academic excellence outcomes compared with their benchmarks.

The Academic Excellence Council will implement its purpose in the following ways:

  1. Discuss improvement of student learning, retention, academic progress, and completion.  Detailed discussions of strategies and activities related to other existing groups will occur at the appropriate committee and department.
  2. Continuously review and evaluate Clark College's progress toward mission fulfillment, specifically in regards to the academic excellence core theme objectives.  The method used to evaluate will be the academic excellence outcomes, intended results (i.e., benchmarks), and annual actual data compared to the benchmark.
  3. Develop and provide appropriate recommendations of strategies to improve academic excellence to the college's leadership teams, especially the President's executive cabinet.  When relevant, the council will also make recommendations of strategies to improve academic excellence to college units/departments and other related committees.

Council membership will consist of the following positions ensuring that at least one member is a professional technical faculty member, transfer faculty member, and employee of Instruction, Student Affairs, Administrative Services, and Executive areas (Communications and Marketing, Economic and Community Development, Human Resources, Planning and Effectiveness, and the President's Office) of the college:

  1. AHE representative (to be selected by AHE)
  2. WPEA representative (to be selected by WPEA)
  3. Student (to be selected by ASCC)
  4. Adjunct faculty member (to be selected by adjunct faculty committee)

The following members will be selected by the council through an application process:

  1. Classified, including part-time classified employee
  2. Full-time faculty member
  3. Administrator/exempt (non-Executive Cabinet members)
  4. Employee/Student knowledgeable about the consequences of power, privilege, and inequity - appointed by the Office of Diversity and Equity
  5. At large member, depending on the core theme and needs of the group, could include Foundation representative 

The following member will be selected by the President: 

  1. Executive Cabinet member nonvoting (EC member provides the note-taker.)  The President cannot serve as the EC representative.


Members will serve two-year terms.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
September 28, 2010
August 14, 2018