840.000 - Cultural Pluralism Committee
The Cultural Pluralism Committee recommends programs, activities, strategies, policies, and procedures that facilitate cultural pluralism and address institutional systems of privilege, power and inequality.
The Cultural Pluralism Committee:
- Promotes the interaction of a rich variety of cultural, ethnic, and social groups
in a dynamic and collaborative way while maintaining and valuing their differences.
- Contributes to the creation of a college environment in which different perspectives
are valued and utilized in the decision-making process.
- Facilitates the implementation and evaluation of the Clark College Diversity Plan in conjunction with the office for Equity and Diversity.
- Director for equity and diversity, chair (standing member)
- Student life and multicultural student affairs representative (standing member)
- Disability Access Center representative (standing member)
- Two ASCC representatives (one-year appointments)
- Six faculty members (three-year appointments)
- Four classified staff or exempt staff members (three-year appointments)
- Two administrative representatives (three-year appointments)
- One human resources administrative assistant (standing member)
Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
February 16, 2010