832.000 - Clark College Committee
The purpose of the Clark College Council is to make recommendations to the President about college-wide goals and direction of the institutional planning process and institutional effectiveness systems and college-wide policies. The council is not an avenue for reporting or resolving issues that are handled through other established college protocols.
The Clark College Council will implement its purpose in the following ways:
- Give input to the President when there is a need to revise current college-wide policy,
procedures, projects, budget, and operational issues.
- Annually review and evaluate Clark College’s compliance with the strategic plan using
a scorecard.
- Review and recommend revisions to annual institutional goals. Periodically review, critique, and recommend implementation of the College Strategic Plan.
The Clark College Council shall consist of the following membership:
Standing membership of the Council shall consist of the following non-voting members:
- President (or designee)
- Vice president of administrative services (or designee)
- Vice president of instruction (or designee)
- Vice president of student affairs (or designee)
- Administrative secretary to the president (or designee)
- Foundation president (or designee)
- Associate vice president for planning and effectiveness (or designee)
The Council shall consist of the following termed members. These term members are elected or selected from the areas they represent for two-year appointments. In the event that there are no candidates, the responsible administrator listed below will appoint a representative. If any area loses a representative before the end of a term, then it is the duty of the chair, vice chair and/or president to notify the area. A recall from a respective unit can be done by contacting the identified respective authority.
- Eight (8) faculty members (vice president of instruction coordinates)
a. One (1) from each instructional unit (currently 5)
i. Developmental Ed, English, Communications & Humanities
ii. Business & Technology
iii. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
iv. Health Sciences
v. Social Sciences & Fine Arts
b. One (1) Library or Counseling faculty member
c. Two (2) adjunct faculty members - Four (4) classified staff members
a. One (1) member from Administrative Services (vice president of administrative services coordinates)
b. One (1) member from Instruction (vice president of instruction coordinates)
c. One (1) member from Student Affairs (vice president of student affairs coordinates)
d. One (1) member from Executive unit (President’s Office, Planning & Effectiveness, Human Resources, Communications & Marketing, Corporate & Continuing Education – President coordinates) - One (1) WPEA president (or designee)
- One (1) AHE president (or designee)
- One (1) exempt staff member (associate vice president of human resources coordinates)
- One (1) Clark College Foundation staff member (Foundation president coordinates)
- One (1) administrative employee (associate vice president of human resources coordinates)
The Council shall consist of the following termed members. These term members are either elected or selected by the areas they represent for quarterly appointments.
Three (3) student representatives (vice president of student affairs coordinates)
a. One (1) ASCC president, or ASCC Executive Council
b. Two (2) student representatives
Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
September 28, 2010