Student Life Finances

Services & Activities Fees

S&A Expenditures Report

Services and Activities (S&A) Fees are fees other than tuition fees, charged to all students registering at the state's community colleges, regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and state universities (See RCW 28B.15.041).

The current S&A Fee is not set at the state maximum allowable amount. The current S&A Fee rate for Clark College is as follows:

Credits 1-10:     $11.62 per credit
Credits 11-17:   $  6.75 per credit

What can funds be used for?

S&A fees are for the purpose of supporting student activities and programs–meaning any college co-curricular or extracurricular activity participated in by students in the furtherance of their education. For complete RCW visit:

Examples of permissible uses of S&A fees include:

Examples of impermissible uses of S&A fees include:

Who can request funds?

Any Clark College group, organization or individual may request funds. Funding is granted on an annual basis and must be requested annually for new or continued support.

Services & Activities Fee Committee

Each year, the ASCC Student Government forms a Services & Activities (S&A) Fee Committee to review and allocate the proposed S&A fees for the following school year. Using set guidelines established by the state and college, this committee determines the amount of funding each proposed student activity will receive.

The committee consists of the following representation: