Outstanding Students With Academic Leadership and Development Skills (OSWALD)

Each year, OSWALD Awards recognize Clark College students for their outstanding achievements. 

Nomination deadline: Friday, March 29.

OSWALD Award Categories:

Please note that in addition to the suggested criteria listed in each recognition category, a clean student conduct record is a criteria for eligibility. Student conduct records will be reviewed by the Student Affairs office for all nominees.

**Students may only be recognized for one (1) category unless you are also nominating them for the Penguin Award.


Outstanding Academic Student

Presented to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their academic endeavors. Nominators may determine the description/purpose of the award and the criteria used to nominate and select a recipient for this category.

Nominate a student

Outstanding Student in an ASCC Club

Presented to the outstanding student(s) from an ASCC Club. The ASCC Club Advisor is asked to select a recipient or recipients to receive recognition. Club Advisors may choose to recognize the entire club.

Club advisors may determine other criteria by which to recognize and select a recipient. The following are suggested criteria for student selection:

Nominate a student

Outstanding Student in an ASCC Program

Presented to the outstanding student(s) from an ASCC Program. The ASCC Program Director is asked to select a recipient or recipients to receive recognition. Program Directors may choose to recognize entire programs.

Program Directors may determine other criteria by which to recognize and select a recipient. The following are suggested criteria for student selection:

Nominate a student

Outstanding Student in a Department

Presented to the outstanding student(s) from a college department. Faculty or staff members from the departments are asked to recognize and select a recipient or recipients for the departmental award.

Departments may determine other criteria by which to recognize and select a recipient. The following are suggested criteria for student selection:

Nominate a student

Outstanding Student Employee

Presented to the outstanding student employee(s) from a college department. Supervisors of student employees are asked to recognize and select a recipient or recipients for the award.

Departments may determine other criteria by which to recognize and select a recipient. The following are suggested criteria for student selection:

Nominate a student

Penguin Award

The Penguin Award is an annual tradition. It is awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the Clark College community.

This award is based on the student’s performance in the following areas: academics, leadership, community, and college service.

A committee of staff and students will review nominations and select the student for this award.

Nominate a student for the Penguin Award