Pregnancy and Parental Related Leaves

Congratulations on your new addition.

The information below is provided to assist in the navigation of leave provision (s) for pregnancy and parental leaves that may be available to you.

Family Medical Leave

Pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act (FML) of 1993 employees may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave in a 12-month rolling year when the leave is taken for purpose of:


An eligible employee will need to have worked for the State of Washington for at least 12 months and worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding their period of leave.

Use of Accrued Leave

Employees taking FML must use all accrued paid leave before going into leave without pay status. Employee paid medical benefits will remain effective during the FML period as long as the monthly premiums are paid.

Leave Limitations for Spouses of the Same Employer

Eligible spouses who are both Clark employees and eligible for FML are limited to a combined total of 12 workweeks of family leave for the following reasons:

To Apply

To apply for FML, the employee completes the Employee Leave Request form and the health care provider completes the Health Care Provider Statement. Both forms are available on the forms page. Return both forms to Human Resources. Upon receipt of the forms, Human Resources will determine the employee’s eligibility for FML as well as other Federal, State, and College medical leave provisions. When possible, the forms should be returned 30-days prior to the start of the medical leave. Please note, in some circumstances Clark College cannot allow an employee to return to work from a period of medical leave without the release of their Health Care Provider.  Prior to an employee’s return to work they should complete and submit a fitness for duty/return to work form.

Washington State Family Leave Act- Parental Leave


Like the federal Family and Medical Leave, Washington's Family Leave Act (FLA) provides up to 12 weeks of protected leave in a 12-month period for eligible employees. This leave provision provided by the State of Washington supplements and/or runs concurrent with FML.

Under FLA an eligible employee may:

Most often, in the case of pregnancy, a woman will qualify for 12 weeks of FLA in addition to the pregnancy disability leave ordered by her health care provider. This will give her more total protected leave from work than her 12-week entitlement under the FML because, in most cases, her pregnancy disability leave will count against her 12 weeks of FML but not against her FLA. The FLA does not run during pregnancy disability leave. Instead, the 12 weeks following the birth of her child, usually six to eight weeks after the date of birth.


An eligible employee will need to have worked for the state of Washington for at least 12 months and worked at least 1,250 house int he 12 months immediately preceding their period of leave. 

Use of Accrued Leave

This leave of absence may be full-time, part-time, or taken intermittently with the supervisor's approval. An employee may use their choice of paid leave according to Clark's policy for Family Medical Leave, or request Leave Without Pay when taking leave for bonding with a newborn. Please note, spouses who are both employed with Clark must share 12 weeks of leave when taking leave for the purpose of bonding with their newborn.

Employer-paid medical benefits will remain effective during the FLA period as long as eight hours of accrued leave is submitted, per month. An employee may move in and out of pay status while on FLA.

To Apply

To apply for Parental Leave, an employee completes the FMLA Leave Request form found on the forms page. If not taken in conjunction with FML, the employee will need to submit documentation showing the date of the new child's birth or the date the employee takes custody of the new child in the case of adoption or foster children. All documentation should be returned to Human Resources. Upon receipt of documentation Human Resources will determine eligibility for Parental Leave. When possible, the form should be returned 30-days prior to the start of the leave. The supporting documentation may be submitted as soon as possible following the child's birth or placement.


Revised Code of Washington 49.78- Family Leave

Washington State Family Leave Act Overview

Washington State Family Leave Act Q&A

Pregnancy Accommodations

Overview and Entitlements

Effective July 23, 2017, all Washington State employers are required to provide providing specific civil rights protections for pregnant employees. A pregnant employee has the right to the following accommodations:

*In addition, a pregnant employee may have rights to other workplace accommodation(s), as long as there is no significant difficulty or expense to the employer. These are:

To Apply

To Apply for a Pregnancy Accommodation. It is the employee’s responsibility to inform the supervisor or Human Resources that he or she needs a reasonable accommodation in order to perform her job functions. To apply for Reasonable Accommodation, an employee may complete the Reasonable Accommodation Request form found on the forms page.

Supporting medical documentation may also be needed*. If needed, the Health Care Provider can complete the Reasonable Accommodation Health Care Provider Statement. Additionally, the Reasonable Accommodation Medical Release Statement may also be completed by the employee. All forms are available on the forms page. Please return all forms to Human Resources.


WA State Labor & Industries Pregnancy Accommodations website

Pregnancy Accommodations Guides for Employees and Employers