527.000 - Security

The College shall establish and operate security services on the main campus and Clark College at the Columbia Tech Center. The Board delegates to the president or designee the responsibility to provide security and procedures for the protection of college buildings, grounds and facilities; and to provide for the safety of students, faculty and staff.


Security officers are responsible for providing protection for campus buildings, grounds, and related property as well as persons on campus. Officers work closely and in cooperation with the Vancouver Police Department and other law enforcement agencies, requesting assistance in emergency, dangerous, or suspected emergency situations which are altering or may alter normal campus operations.

Responsibilities and duties include, but are not limited to:

  1. Patrolling a designated area on foot or in a patrol vehicle to enforce College rules and regulations, local, state, and federal statutes and ordinances.

  2. Inspecting buildings and grounds for prowlers, fire, property damage, or other irregularities.

  3. Directing and regulating traffic, investigating accidents or crimes, administering first aid, issuing citations for violations, gathering evidence, locating witnesses, and appearing in court as required.

  4. Operating department communication equipment; answering telephone inquiries; receiving reports of criminal activity; dispatching foot and mobile units; operating paging system; monitoring alarm system; preparing, typing, and distributing reports.

  5. Maintaining surveillance of an area suspect for criminal activity.

  6. Assisting city or county police and state patrol in cases of emergency.

  7. Performing related duties as required.

  8. Patrolling campus to maintain visibility and prevent crime.

  9. Responding to calls for medical assistance and/or assisting Health Services and emergency responders.

  10. Responding to fire alarms, elevator alarms, and reports of facilities emergencies.

  11. Responding to crimes in progress.

  12. Responding to reports of disruptive students and other violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

  13. Resolving immediate traffic control matters such as vehicles in driving lanes, fire lanes, or on sidewalks.

  14. Responding to reports of suspicious persons.

  15. Responding to traffic accidents.

  16. Completing investigations of crimes, unusual circumstances, and violations of the Code of Student Conduct.

  17. Locking and unlocking buildings and rooms within buildings.

  18. Taking reports of past crimes such as theft and car prowling.

  19. Making cash and document transports.

  20. Providing parking lot escorts.

  21. Monitoring parking lot and traffic flow.

  22. Issuing parking or moving citations.

  23. Administering facility use regulations such as animal control, skateboarding, and smoking.

  24. Assisting motorists.

  25. Reporting and assisting in the elimination of health or safety concerns.

  26. Writing reports and entering reports and logs into departmental database.

  27. Completing monthly fire extinguisher checks and other safety-related inspections as assigned.

Security/Safety and the College are not liable for any losses or damages which might result from the rendering of assistance.


Minor injuries not requiring emergency care may be treated by Health Services. A nurse may be summoned by calling Security/Safety at Ext. 2133.

Serious injuries or medical emergencies should be reported to 911 Emergency by dialing 911. An ambulance should be requested if:

  1. The patient is unresponsive;

  2. There is massive bleeding; or

  3. The patient requests an ambulance.

When reporting a medical emergency to 911 Emergency, give the following information:

  1. The caller's name;

  2. The patient's exact location;

  3. The type of problem and patient condition; and

  4. What is being done for the patient.

The caller must stay on the line with 911 Emergency until told to hang up by the dispatcher. It is important to stay with the patient, but also to send someone outside to guide rescue and ambulance personnel to the scene.

Whenever 911 Emergency is called from the College, Security/Safety (Ext. 2133) must also be notified.


College employees are required to report to their immediate supervisor each industrial injury, potentially work-related cumulative injury, or occupational illness, regardless of the degree of severity.

Environmental Health and Safety will report workplace fatalities or probable fatalities to Labor and Industries within eight hours of the time the incident occurred or was reported to any agent or employee of the College. In-patient hospitalization of two or more workers within 30 days of an incident must also be reported to Labor and Industries. The employee's supervisor is responsible to ensure that information on either of these situations is provided to Security/Safety. Security/Safety must notify the vice president of administrative services, Environmental Health and Safety, and Human Resources.

The supervisor will supply the employee with an Accident Report form. The employee will complete the Employee's Statement on the face of the form as completely as possible and return the form to the supervisor. Blank forms are available at either Human Resources or on the ClarkNet at https://clarknet.clark.edu/adminservices/risk/ehs/incident-management/documents/ehs03-01.pdf.

The supervisor will investigate the accident and answer the Supervisor's Statement questions located on the reverse of the form. The original will be sent immediately to Environmental Health and Safety. A copy may be retained by the employee's supervisor. 

The associate director of environmental health and safety will maintain a file of all employee accidents and report them to the associate vice president of human resources and the Environmental Health and Safety Committee and/or the Department of Labor and Industries as appropriate. The associate director of environmental health and safety will initiate and coordinate an investigation of all accidents requiring medical attention beyond basic first aid or resulting in time loss.

An employee accident requiring medical attention beyond minor first aid must be reported to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries using the Labor and Industries State Accident Report. Labor and Industries accident reporting forms are available from the health care provider or Environmental Health and Safety. A section of the form will be filled out by the employee's health care provider including a physician's report, diagnosis, recommended treatment, and estimated job time loss or restriction.

Environmental Health and Safety and Human Resources coordinate all Department of Labor and Industries claims and can assist any injured employee. Additional information about employee safety and health, accident prevention, and claims can be found at the Department of Labor and Industries website https://www.lni.wa.gov/.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
September 28, 2010

January 9, 2020


The following steps and responsibilities apply to accidents involving College vehicles:

  1. Vehicle Driver

    a.Attend to or seek assistance for injured persons.

    b. Call the police to the scene of the incident, if necessary.

    c.  File any accident reports required by state/local law enforcement agencies.  For example, if there is an injury or an indication that damages to any one vehicle will exceed $700.00, the State of Washington Motor Vehicle Collision Report WSP 161 must be completed and distributed as noted on the form.

    d. Keep copies of any of the reports filed and send original to Administrative Services.

    e. See that the vehicle is returned to the College unless other arrangements are made with the department responsible for the vehicle.

    f. Complete the State Vehicle Accident Check List SF-136 and Vehicle Accident Report SF-137 and provide the other party/parties with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Claims Information brochure.

  2. Office Responsible for the Vehicle (e.g., Travel Coordinator, Facilities Services, etc.)

    a. Immediately call Administrative Services and advise them of the incident.

    b. Immediately call the director of security/safety and advise him/her of the incident.

    c. Advise participants in the incident that they should get their own insurance company involved with whatever claims they might have (including students covered under the optional student medical insurance the College makes available).  Give the WSDOT Claims Information brochure to anyone who feels that they may have a claim against the state.

    d. Refer all students with injuries (ambulatory) to Clark College Health Services for evaluation. Participants with injuries may also see their own doctors/health care providers at their own option.

    e. Ensure that the vehicle driver has filled out a State of Washington Vehicle Accident Report SF-137 and that the completed and signed form is sent to Administrative Services. These forms are in motor pool vans or in Administrative Services. 

    f. Obtain estimates of repair cost/restoration of damaged or lost property, etc., and forward to Administrative Services. Refer to the WSDOT Claims Information brochure.

  3. Health Services

    Submit a copy of the ClarkCollege "Non-Employee (Students—Visitors) Accident Incident Report" form to Administrative Services for all accident participants seen at Health Services.

  4. The Director of Security/Safety

    Fully investigate the incident and prepare a report for Administrative Services. Obtain statements from the driver and witnesses; note the usage of seat belts. The report must be obtained and submitted as a priority assignment of Security/Safety.

  5. Administrative Services

    a. Call WSDOT Claims Administration Office immediately at (360) 753-2101 or 1-800-737-0615 to report all injury accidents or accidents causing property damages (vehicles, etc.) over $1,000.00.

    b. File all reports, including SF-137, with the WSDOT Claims Administration Office within two working days of the incident.

    c. Handle any subsequent processing involving claims. Decisions on whether the office responsible for the vehicle/department using the vehicle or the driver will be fiscally responsible will be made by the Executive Cabinet.


Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons which can be used to inflict bodily harm or to damage real or personal property is prohibited on the college campus, at any other facilities leased or operated by the college, or at any activity under the administration or sponsorship of the college. 

Exceptions to this policy are permitted when the weapon is used in conjunction with an approved college instructional program, is carried by a duly constituted law officer, or is otherwise permitted by law. 

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
September 22, 2009


The College campus is equipped with a fire detection and alarm system.

If a Fire Alarm is Ringing

  1. Do not make any phone calls to the switchboard, the Fire Department, or to Security/Safety unless there is fire or smoke present. A fire alarm station that is activated automatically sounds the building fire siren and simultaneously notifies the Vancouver Fire Department and Facilities Services. Phone lines and staff should be kept free to deal with the problem.

  2. If safety permits, lock safes and fireproof files. Leave the building and close doors; get far enough away to avoid danger from explosions or the blocking of exits or emergency crews.

  3. Department supervisors must designate someone to ensure that all areas heard the alarm and that everyone else has left the building. Departments must make special plans to assist those with disabilities, especially those in wheelchairs, in the event of an actual emergency. Elevators cannot be used to exit an area in case of fire. Department supervisors of areas without direct ground access must ensure that all employees in the area are familiar with the proper evacuation routes (e.g., stairs) to get to ground level in case of fire.

  4. Do not re-enter the building unless instructed by Fire Department personnel, Facilities Services staff, or a security officer.  If an alarm is "false," the Fire Department, Facilities Services staff, or a security officer will notify everyone as soon as possible.  Each alarm must be considered a real fire until it is absolutely determined otherwise by the appropriate persons.

If Fire, Smoke, or Significant Burning Odor is Observed (No Alarm Ringing)

  1. Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station.  Be familiar with the location of these devices in the work area as well as emergency evacuation routes.

  2. When the situation permits, dial 911 Emergency and report location of problem.

  3. Evacuate area as noted above, with designated person ensuring all in area are out.

  4. Direct emergency personnel to location of problem.


When receiving a bomb threat, try to keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Remain calm and courteous and listen carefully. Do not interrupt or anger the caller. Record the time of the call and the exact words of the caller. Try to obtain the following information:

  1. When is the bomb going to explode?
  2. Where is the bomb right now?
  3. What does the bomb look like?
  4. What will cause the bomb to explode?
  5. What kind of a bomb is it?
  6. Did you place the bomb?
  7. Why was a bomb planted at ClarkCollege?
  8. What is your name, address, and telephone number?

While speaking with the caller, listen for the following details:

  1. Description - male, female, adult, juvenile.
  2. Voice - loud, soft, high-pitched, deep, raspy, pleasant, intoxicated.
  3. Speech - fast, slow, distant, stutter, slurred, precise, distorted, nasal.
  4. Language - well spoken, foul, use of certain words or phrases.
  5. Accent - local, foreign.
  6. Manner - calm, rational, coherent, righteous, angry, emotional, laughing.

Background Noises - office machines, factory machines, animals, quiet, street traffic, airplanes, voices, music, party atmosphere.

After all conversation has been terminated, immediately write down your best thoughts as to the above questions along with the date and exact time of the call.  Then quickly notify:

  1. Vice president of administrative services (if absent, the president)
  2. Director of security/safety (if absent, the officer in charge)
  3. 911 Emergency (Vancouver Police Department, Dial 911)

Any decision to evacuate a building must be made by the president or vice president of administrative services. Public information will be released only upon authorization of the president or vice president of administrative services.

Although bomb threats pose potential danger to life, the type and circumstances of each threat and corresponding danger must be analyzed and evaluated. No one can prescribe in advance the exact judgment and action to be taken for any and all types of bomb threat situations; however, every effort should be made to avoid overreaction. Overreaction tends to facilitate the bomb threat perpetrator’s purpose and invites continued harassment. Personnel safety and minimum disruption of operations are major considerations.

For additional information contact Security/Safety for material covering bomb threats, caller motives, preventive measures, bomb threat checklists, and other available resources. 


Employees must immediately report the loss of any College property in their area of responsibility to Security/Safety. Security/Safety will complete a written report and notify the vice president of administrative services in a timely manner.


The lost and found property policy is established to:

1. Arrange for the return of lost property to its rightful owner whenever possible.

2. Provide a reasonably secure holding facility for found property and a central location where persons may attempt to recover lost items.

3. Provide guidelines for handling, inventorying, and disposing of found property that are fair, lawful, and uniformly applied.

Lost and found property processing is the responsibility of Security/Safety. The receiving employee will determine the classification of the found property whether personal effects, disposable items, usable items, or valuable items.

Every effort will be made to locate and notify the owner of found property. Found property in custody of Security/Safety will be held for at least 30 days for the owner to claim.

If unclaimed, usable items and valuable property may be returned to the finder. All unclaimed personal effects and disposable property will be destroyed. Finders of usable or valuable property may claim the item by presenting their receipt to Security/Safety after the 30-day waiting period but prior to 40 days from the date of finding.

After a minimum of 40 days, the College may dispose of found property as follows:

  1. Personal Effects - Personal property items are those that could only be useful to the owner such as wallets, purses, credit cards, checkbooks, keys, and other personal items.  If unclaimed after 40 days, these items will be destroyed.

  2. Disposable Items - As with personal effects, disposable items such as notebooks, peechees, paperwork, and cosmetics, will be destroyed if unclaimed after 40 days.

  3. Usable Items – If, after 40 days, the item remains unclaimed by either the owner or finder, usable items, such as calculators, umbrellas, clothing, briefcases, and books, will be either converted to College use or donated to a charitable organization.

  4. Valuable Items - Valuable items such as jewelry or money left unclaimed by either the owner or finder for 40 days will be converted to College use or donated to a charitable organization.


The College is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property brought onto the campus.


To comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990 (20 U.S.C. § 1092(f) and 34 CFR 668.46(c)), the Security & Safety Department shall:

  1. Maintain a Daily Crime Log of reported crimes that took place within the college’s defined reporting area, also known as its “Clery geography”. This log is available to the public and can be located at https://www.clark.edu/campus-life/student-support/security/daily_crime_log.php.
    1. Crimes that must be reported and disclosed include:
      1. Murder/Homicide
      2. Non-negligent manslaughter
      3. Negligent manslaughter
      4. Rape
      5. Fondling
      6. Incest
      7. Statutory Rape
      8. Robbery
      9. Aggravated assault
      10. Burglary
      11. Motor vehicle theft
      12. Arson
      13. Arrests for liquor law violations, drug law violations and illegal weapons possession
  1. Publish, within the Annual Crime Report (ASR), statistics for the three most recent calendar years.
    1. The ASR must be published and made publicly available no later than October 1st of each calendar year.
    2. Clark College’s ASR can be found on the college’s website at Annual Crime/Security Report.
    3. Notice will be sent to all employees and students, on an annual basis, that the ASR is available for review.
    4. Copies of the ASR can be obtained, at no cost, by contacting the Security and Safety Department.

Information about Campus Security to include contact information and links to the College’s most recent Annual Security Report will be included in job postings for prospective employees by Human Resources and for enrolling and prospective students by Student Affairs.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
March 29, 2022


Sex offenders are individuals who have committed a sex offense as defined in RCW 9A.44.128 and 9.94A.030 and are required to register as a sex offender. Washington State sex offender laws apply to juvenile as well as adult sex offenders.

In accordance to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 the Clark College Security and Safety Department provides information on Registered Level II Level III Offenders that are either currently working on campus and/or currently attending classes.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by a State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a state to provide notice of each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student. In Washington State sex offenders who are enrolled in a public or private institution of higher education must also notify the local county sheriff immediately (RCW 9A.44.130).

Using this public information to threaten, intimidate or harass sex/kidnap offenders will not be tolerated. This abuse could potentially terminate our ability to release this important information to the public.

Offender Levels

An offender’s level is determined by representatives of the criminal justice system, not the college.

  • Offenders are classified as Level I offenders if their risk assessment and other factors indicate they are a low risk to sexually reoffend within the community at large.
  • Offenders are classified as Level II offenders if their risk assessment and other factors indicate they are a moderate risk to sexually reoffend within the community at large.
  • Offenders are classified as Level III offenders if their risk assessment and other factors indicate they are a high risk to sexually reoffend within the community at large.

The notification procedure outlined below will be applied based on the offender’s assigned level.


This procedure is to inform the College community regarding the enrollment or presence, at the College, of a registered Level 3 and/or Level 2 sex offender:

-Without creating excessive anxiety among the College community.

-Without contributing to a possible punitive reaction.

-Without causing undue damage to the positive College environment enjoyed by the College community.

The College community is identified as faculty, staff, students, and the general public on or about the College campus.

The following applies to identification and notification of a Level 3 sex offender:

  1. Prior to each academic term, the Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will coordinate with Sheriff’s offices in Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Klickitat counties to gather information about registered Level III offenders.  
    1. Level III offenders that work for or attend classes at Clark College that reside outside of the state of Washington must register with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office in accordance with RCW 9A.44.130(1)(a). 

2.  Each quarter, the College's director of security/safety will review the list of Level 3 offenders provided by the law                  enforcement agencies. Names on the list will be checked to see if persons are enrolled or employed at the College.

3.  Information may be brought to the College administration by a member of the College community or the public.

        a.  The Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will verify the information with the appropriate law enforcement                agency, verify the identified individual is an employee or student, and will notify the college community in                              accordance with this procedure.

The following procedure will be utilized:

Upon verification that a Level III offender is employed by the college or enrolled as a student the following notification procedures will be completed:

  1. Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify the offender that their identity and relevant and necessary information will be released to the College community.
  2. Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will update the college’s website related to Sex Offenders.

               Information on the college website will include a photo of the offender, criminal conviction information that is                      available to the public and links to relevant websites that may provide additional information.

c.  Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify college employees through the campus master email list with a        link to the sex offender page on the College website for more information.

d.  Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify all students via the student email system with a link to the sex          offender page on the College website for more information.

e.  Only the information that is relevant and necessary will be supplied by the College to the College community.  Requests      for additional information will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

f.  Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify the Director of Advising, or designee, of all identified Level III             offenders registered for classes during the upcoming term. In the event the Level III offender is registered for                       Transitional Studies courses, the Director of Security and Safety will notify the Director of Transitional Studies, or their         designee.

             a. Advising or Transitional Studies, as appropriate, will review the class roster for all classes the Level III offender is                  registered to attend for the purpose of identifying anyone under the age of 18 that may also be registered for                        that class.

             b. If a student under 18 years of age is enrolled in the course, that student will be contacted and will be notified of                    the presence of the Level III offender.

             c. If a conflict is identified, options for resolution will be explored in a case by case basis.

g.  Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify instructor(s) of the identity of any Level III sex offender who is            registered in their class via email.

h.  Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify officials at Hudson’s Bay High School and any other appropriate        agencies.  

Other than the notification procedure, the offender will be provided the student rights and privacy protection that all other students receive.

The offender is required to complete registration activity at least two weeks prior to the start of the academic quarter. Director of Security and Safety will notify local Department of Corrections and law enforcement personnel of this provision.

Should the offender exhibit unacceptable behavior, they will be subject to the College disciplinary policy and/or referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

In addition to notification, certain conditions may be placed on the offender if they become an employee of the College. The College maintains the right to assign employment hours, job duties, and work sites.

Modified levels of notification may be necessary in rare instances. These will be determined jointly by the vice president of administrative services, the vice president of student affairs, and the director of security/safety.

Upon verification that a Level II offender is attending classes the Director of Security and Safety, or designee, will notify instructor(s) of the identity of the offender who is registered in their class via email.

In the event the College employs a Level 2 or Level 3 sex offender, the Director of Security and Safety or their designee will notify Human Resources.  Human Resources will notify the employee's department and conduct any follow up action as appropriate.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
January 22, 2013

January 13, 2015

July 21, 2020



To guide College employees when approached by anyone attempting to serve a summons or subpoena on a College employee, and to comply with the provisions of RCW 4.28.080.


Subpoena. A written command or order directing a person to appear at a certain time and place to testify.

Subpoena Duces Tecum. A written order commanding a witness who has in his or her possession or control some document or paper to produce it at a certain time and place.


Summons, subpoenas, or complaints in actions against the State of Washington or Clark College must be served on the Attorney General of the State of Washington. This includes service on a College employee regarding an action arising solely from their official capacity.

Service against students or against employees regarding actions not related to their official capacity is not to occur at the College (RCW 4.28.080(15) and (16)).

Any College employee who inadvertently receives or accepts a summons or subpoena is to immediately deliver the summons or subpoena to the associate vice president of human resources services, or designee, not to the person who is being served.

Questions regarding this procedure may be directed to the associate vice president of human resources services or the vice president of administrative services.



To guide College employees when assistance is requested by local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies or other legal entities. Such contacts may include, but are not limited to: arrest/search warrants, criminal investigations, and/or notification in case of emergency involving a member of the College community.


Warrant. A written order issued by a court of law authorizing an arrest, search, and/or seizure of property by local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies. (Note: legally valid arrests or searches/seizures by law enforcement agencies may occur without a warrant under certain circumstances.)

College Community. Any faculty member, classified or exempt staff member, administrator, student, or visitor on Clark College leased or owned property.


Any College employee who is contacted by a representative of a legal entity regarding any matter covered by this policy must refer the inquiring individual to an appropriate College official, in the following order: The director of security/safety, the associate vice president of human resources services, a vice president, or the president. The director of security/safety or designee or the designated College official (if the director of security/safety is not available) will verify the identity of the officer and the validity of the arrest or search warrant. The nature of the investigation will be determined and all information identified in the Clark College Security/Safety Incident Report.

If possible, Clark College Security/Safety will request a non-uniformed officer to serve the arrest or search warrant. If an arrest is necessary, every effort will be taken to quietly remove the affected person from the campus.

College Employee

If an employee is to be contacted, the associate vice president of human resources services or designee will arrange the meeting, unless otherwise requested by law enforcement. Every effort will be made to protect all employee rights, including confidentiality and privacy.

College Student

If an enrolled student is to be contacted, the vice president of student affairs or designee will be notified.  Every effort will be made to protect all student rights, including confidentiality and privacy. The student will be contacted by a security officer and asked to come to the vice president’s office on a private matter. This contact will be documented by Security/Safety.

Shoplifting or Theft at the College

The college will take the following actions when a student is caught shoplifting or involved in a theft on any property owned or operation by the College:

  1. A first time offender caught shoplifting or stealing an item or items valued at $25 or less will be reported only to Student Affairs and will be subject  to the Code of Student Conduct WAC 132N-121-060 (3).

  2. A first time offender caught shoplifting or stealing an item or items valued at more than $25 will be reported both to law enforcement and Student Affairs and will be subject to both the criminal code and the Code of Student Conduct. Repeat offenders will be reported to law enforcement and Student Affairs regardless of the dollar value of the item or items stolen.

    Non-students caught shoplifting or involved in a theft on any property owned or operated by the College will be reported to law enforcement.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
April 27, 2010


Policy Statement

Serious threats, violence or acts of intimidation, with or without the presence of a weapon, will not be tolerated at Clark College. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with collective bargaining agreements or Code of Student Conduct and including but not limited to possible suspension, termination, expulsion and/or the filing of criminal charges.


This policy applies to all situations involving acts of harassment or abusive behavior, assaults, serious threats, or acts of violence engaged in by any guests or volunteers, all college employees or students (full or part time). This policy applies to any acts of violence or threats made on Clark College property or locations, at Clark college classes and events, or under other circumstances that affect the College’s ability to operate.


Clark College is committed to providing faculty, staff, and students with an environment that is safe, secure and free from threats of violence or intimidation. The safety of employees and students is important both to enhance the educational environment that Clark College strives to provide, and to promote a supportive working atmosphere for faculty and staff. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for responding to situations involving serious threats, harassment or acts of violence against employees and students in order to minimize the possibility of dangerous situations.

Individuals found engaging in behavior in violation of this policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination or expulsion. Conduct or behavior not tolerated by Clark College includes but is not limited to:

  1. Physical conduct that results in harm to people or property.
  2. Acts or threats in any manner made directly or indirectly to intimidate, coerce, or cause fear or harm.
  3. Violation of the weapons policy. (Weapons on Campus, 527.020)
  4. Intimidating conduct or harassment that disrupts the work environment, educational process, or results in fear of personal safety.


Abuse, RCW 74.34.020
Assault, RCW 9A.36.011, 9A.36.021, 9A.36.031, 9A.36.041
Coercion, RCW 9A.36.070
Domestic Violence, RCW 10.99.020, 26.52.010
Harassment, RCW 9A.46.060
Intimidation RCW 28A.300.285
Malicious Harassment, RCW 9A.36.080
Mental Abuse, RCW 74.34.020
Sexual Assault, RCW 7.90.010
Workplace Bullying, https://lni.wa.gov/safety-health/safety-research/ongoing-projects/workplace-bullying


Immediate Action

All Clark College employees shall immediately report acts of violence and/or any serious threats made against them or witnessed by them to 911 and Security at 360-992-2133. Nothing in this policy relieves a college employee from taking immediate action when the safety or security of employees, students, or members of the general public is threatened and time is critical. 

No Retaliation

No one shall be singled out, penalized, or retaliated against in any way for reporting concerns. Clark College will not tolerate retaliation against individuals making good faith reports as provided for in this policy even where the concerns prove ultimately to have been in error. Retaliation may be grounds for disciplinary action.

Notification Procedures

Acts of harassment or abusive behavior, assaults, serious threats, or acts of violence by students shall be reported to the Behavioral Intervention Team via electronic submission at https://apps.clark.edu/BIT

Acts of harassment or abusive behavior, assaults, serious threats, or acts of violence by employees shall be reported to the appropriate supervisor or Human Resources. 

New Policy/Procedure by Executive Cabinet
March 2, 2010



In accordance with the federal Clery Act, timely warnings will be issued if:

  1. a crime is reported to campus security authorities;
  2. a crime is determined to pose a serious or continuing threat to students, faculty and staff;
  3. a crime occurred on college property, in or on non-college buildings or property owned by the college or on public property that is within college property or immediately adjacent to college property.

Crimes requiring timely warning under the Clery Act include: 

  • Criminal Homicide
    • Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter
    • Negligent manslaughter
  • Sex Offenses
    • Rape
    • Fondling
    • Incest
    • Statutory Rape
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Arson
  • Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Actions Including:
    • Arrests for liquor law violations
    • Arrests drug law violations
    • Arrests for illegal weapons possession.
  • Hate crimes, including the following listed below, if such crime manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the victim's actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, or disability:
    • Any crime listed above, as defined by the Clery Act,
    • Crimes of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and destruction/ damage/ vandalism of property, or
    • Any other crime involving bodily injury

A timely warning may be issued for any other crime or incident as deemed necessary or appropriate by the college president or designee.

To ensure compliance with the Clery Act, the following college personnel are authorized to issue a timely warning in this order:

  1. President
  2. Vice President of Administrative Services
  3. Director of Safety and Security
  4. Chief Communications Officer
  5. Vice President of Instruction
  6. Vice President of Student Affairs
  7. Vice President of Human Resources and Compliance
  8. Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Warnings shall be provided to the college community in a manner that is timely, that withholds the names of victims as confidential, and that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

Timely warnings may be issued in multiple formats that may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

    1. Email to faculty, staff and students
    2. Messages on the online Penguin Digest
    3. Messages on the college website
    4. Alerts sent through the mass notification systems

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to Security or any Campus Security Authority.

A Campus Security Authority is a Clery Act-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution.  

    1. A campus police department or a security department of an institution.
    2. Individuals who have responsibility for security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department.
    3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
    4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.

Campus Security Authorities at Clark College include: 

  1. Vice President of Student Affairs
  2. Vice President of Administrative Services
  3. Vice President of Instruction
  4. Vice President of Human Resources and Compliance
  5. Vice President of Economic and Community Development
  6. Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  7. Dean of Student Engagement
  8. Director of Disability Access Center and ADA Compliance Officer
  9. Director of Athletics and all Athletics Coaches
  10. Director of Student Life and Club Advisors
  11. Director of Campus Security and all Campus Security personnel
  12. Director of Student Care
  13. Title IX Coordinator

New Policy/Procedure by Executive Cabinet
May 22, 2018


To promote safety and security at the College, all current and new employees, including adjunct faculty and part-time staff, are required to get a photo identification (ID) badge during their first week of employment as part of the new employee orientation process. The Human Resources department initiates authorization of the photo ID badge by notifying Security.

Employees are not required to wear their photo ID badge, however, they must have it in their possession at all times while on College property, including during evenings, weekends and after-hour events.

Access to College property may be denied if employees are unable to produce their photo ID badge.  

Non-compliance with this policy will be addressed through the standard employee evaluation process.

Student employees and institutional hires are exempted from this policy.

Costs for an employee’s initial photo ID badge will be covered by their department. Costs to replace an ID badge due to normal wear and tear, or an employee name change, will also be covered by the employee’s department. Costs to replace a lost or stolen photo ID badge must be paid by the employee. Cost is $10.00.

Employees must return their photo ID badge to Human Resources at the time of separation.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
February 21, 2012



Clark College employs security cameras to deter crime and to assist security services and police services in providing for the security and safety of individuals and property of the college community.  Security cameras are used on the grounds and in public areas of buildings.

The purpose for using security cameras is to reduce incidents of damage, theft, violence or other crime by providing detailed recordings of actions that occur within the camera’s field of view.  Signs are posted indicating that cameras are in use.  Recorded images may be viewed by authorized individuals, but are not actively monitored.

Security cameras on Clark College campuses will be operated to protect individuals and property, and to respect individual privacy.

The following outlines how the college may employ security cameras.  These uses do not apply to legitimate academic use of video cameras for instructional or research purposes

  1. The President or his/her designee will approve all proposed camera placements for appropriateness and effectiveness. 

  2. Security cameras will be in plain view. Areas being recorded will be marked with appropriate signs.  Images will generally be considered transitory in nature and will therefore be stored for 30 days and then deleted.  Copies may be made and retained if needed for official investigations or other purposes contemplated in this policy.

  3. Cameras will not be used to observe any private areas or employee work areas without prior notification of employees, with the exception of public safety or criminal activity investigations.

  4. Recorded images may be viewed by individuals authorized by the President. Images may be shared with law enforcement agencies, as appropriate.

  5. Security cameras are to be used for official business only. Any other use is strictly forbidden.  Any person using security cameras for any illegal or prohibited purpose may be subject to disciplinary or legal actions.

Inquiries about the use of security cameras should be directed to the Vice President of Administrative Services.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
January 9, 2018