Daily Crime Log

In accordance with the 1998 Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, an electronic version of the Daily Crime Log is posted on our website and is also made available, in hard-copy format, to walk-in customers M-F 8am-6pm at the Security Desk in Gaiser Hall 1933 Fort Vancouver Way or the Security Department at Columbia Tech Center, located at 18700 SE Mill Plain Blvd.

The Daily Crime Log contains all crimes reported to Campus Security and/or Local Law Enforcement for the required geographic locations within the last 60 days. The crime log is updated daily Monday through Friday. 

For more information about the crime log please contact Security at 360-992-2133.

Previous crime logs are available upon request.

Please see our Crime Log Status Definitions below.

Main Campus 60 day crime log PDF file

Columbia Tech Center 60 day crime log PDF file


Crime Log Status Definitions:


The case is currently being investigated by Campus Security Office

Closed/No Further Action:

The case is closed and no further action was needed


The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless through local law enforcement.  No offense occurred nor was attempted                              

Closed/Referred to Outside Agency:

The case has been referred to a  law enforcement agency in accordance with jurisdiction


Unwanted non-student subject was issued a trespass citation by a Campus Security Officer

Closed/Warning Given:

Subject has been given a verbal warning


Subject has been arrested by local law enforcement

Closed/Referred Other: 

Case referred to other department(s) such as Human Resources or Student Affairs for further review and possible ajudication

Closed/Public Space:

Case occured on public property within the campus bounderies. Campus Security did not investigate the case