512.000 - Substance Abuse

The Board, or its designee, shall set and approve rules, regulations and procedures restricting the use of tobacco, alcohol and other substances on College property and at College-sponsored events. These rules, regulations and procedures shall provide adequate means for the enforcement and/or collection of such fines. If a violation of these rules and regulations is committed, Security/Safety is authorized to issue a citation as prescribed in these rules. First time violators may be issued a warning citation by Security/Safety personnel. Any violation occurring may result in the violator’s transcripts being held until all unpaid citations have been paid. Continued failure by students to abide by these rules and regulations may be considered to be a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, Chapter 132N-125-035 WAC, as applicable and may be forwarded on to the vice president of student affairs for disciplinary action. Compliance with Clark College rules and regulations is considered a standard part of job performance for all employees. Failure by faculty or staff of the College to abide by these rules and regulations may result in corrective/disciplinary action in accordance with the applicable bargaining agreement. Security/Safety will provide official standardized tobacco use policy materials to members of the Clark College community for distribution.


ClarkCollege acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and passive, is a significant health hazard. The College further recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen. In light of these health risks, and in support of a safe and healthy learning/working environment, the following restrictions shall be placed:

  1. Smoking or other tobacco usage is not permitted within the perimeter of Clark College property.  This includes all College sidewalks, parking lots, landscaped areas, recreational areas, and buildings on Clark College property. Smoking materials must be extinguished and disposed of prior to entering upon Clark College property or exiting your vehicle.  Improper disposal includes but is not limited to:

    a. Spitting smokeless tobacco product.
    b. Littering (i.e. discarded cigarette butts, throwing cigarette butts out of windows, leaving spit container).
    c. Anything that creates fire hazards. 

  2. The following activities are also prohibited on College property and vehicles owned or operated by the College:

    a. The inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted smoking material, including cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. 
    b. The use of other tobacco products, such as smokeless or chewing tobacco.
    c. The use of e-cigarettes and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery devices.

  3. The sale of tobacco products or tobacco-related merchandise is prohibited on College property.

  4. The free distribution (sampling) of tobacco products and associated products is prohibited on College property.

  5. Sponsorship of campus events by tobacco-promoting organizations is prohibited.

  6. Advertisement of tobacco products at College events is prohibited regardless of sponsorship.

  7. Tobacco use on College property or improper disposal of smoking materials may result in disciplinary action or a $20.00 fine.


Pursuant to RCW 28B.50.140(13), the Clark College Board of Trustees is granted authority to establish rules and regulations for tobacco use on property owned, operated, and/or maintained by the College. 

The enforcement of these rules and regulations is the responsibility of Security/Safety personnel with the assistance of all members of the ClarkCollege community. Assistive acts include providing informational materials on smoking policies and verbal warnings. Members of the ClarkCollege community will notify Security/Safety of repeat offenders and/or of disruptive behavior.

Security officers are authorized to issue citations, control, and regulate facilities use as prescribed in these rules and regulations.

Any person interfering with a College security officer in the discharge of the provisions of these rules and regulations shall be in violation of RCW 9A.76.020, Obstructing Governmental Operation, and may be subject to arrest by a peace officer.

The Board, or its designee, shall set and approve fair and uniform fines for violations of these rules and shall provide adequate means for the enforcement and/or collection of such fines. If a violation of these rules and regulations is committed, Security/Safety is authorized to issue a citation as prescribed in these rules. First time violators may be issued a warning citation by Security/Safety personnel. Any violation occurring may result in the violator’s transcripts being held until all unpaid citations have been paid. Continued failure by students to abide by these rules and regulations may be considered to be a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, Chapter 132N-121 WAC, as applicable and may be forwarded on to the vice president of student affairs for disciplinary action. Compliance with ClarkCollege rules and regulations is considered a standard part of job performance for all employees. Failure by faculty or staff of the College to abide by these rules and regulations may result in corrective/disciplinary action in accordance with the applicable bargaining agreement. Security/Safety will provide official standardized tobacco use policy materials to members of the ClarkCollege community for distribution.

Payment of Fines

Persons cited for violation of these rules and regulations may respond either by filing a written appeal with the director of security/safety or by paying a fine within fifteen days of receipt of the citation. All fines are payable to Clark College. Fines can be paid by mail or in person at the Cashier’s Office, Gaiser Hall. Fines that are mailed must be received within fifteen days of receipt of the citation.

Reduction in Fines

Fines for smoking offenses will be reduced by five dollars if paid in person within forty-eight hours, excluding weekends and holidays. No reduction will be made on mail-in payments.


Alleged violators may appeal to the director of security/safety for a brief adjudicative procedure within twenty days of the date of the citation. The director of security/safety may dismiss, suspend, impose any lesser fine, and/or grant an extension of time within which to pay the fine. Appeals of the decision of the director of security/safety are to be submitted to the vice president of administrative services without posting of fine within twenty-one days. Written notification of the vice president’s decision shall be made within twenty days of the appeal and shall be final.

Environmental Health and Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Committee is responsible for advising Security/Safety on smoking policy. Committee functions include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Reviewing smoking regulations and fees and recommending their adoption.

  2. Reviewing provisions for security on campus and recommending practices and procedures for the enhancement of security.

Subcommittees will be designated as necessary.

Unpaid Fines

If any fine remains unpaid, any or all of the following actions may be taken by Security/Safety: 

  1. A hold may be placed on student transcripts.

  2. Registration for the following quarter may be delayed.

  3. The amount due as a result of fines due and payable may be deducted from paychecks of College employees.

  4. Outstanding fines may be referred to a collection agency.

These procedures will be applicable to all students, faculty, and staff, or other persons utilizing College facilities who receive fines for violations of these rules and regulations.

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
November 22, 2011
November 12, 2013


Consumption of alcoholic beverages on or in College-owned or College-operated grounds or facilities is expressly prohibited unless approved by the president. All groups qualifying for use of alcoholic beverages must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Washington State Liquor Control Board and the Clark College Board of Trustees.

Banquet Permit

This permit allows for the serving and consumption of liquor at a banquet or organized function open to group members and their invited guests only.

Before applying for a banquet permit from the State Liquor Control Board, an Application and Permit for Use of Alcoholic Beverages form must be completed by the applicant and presented with the Application for Facility Use form to the Events Services Office. The authorization form must be signed by the Events Services Office and the president. The applicant must take the signed College authorization form to a Washington State liquor store to apply for a state permit. The permit fee must be paid at that time.

A copy of the signed form will be forwarded to Security/Safety by the Events Services Office. On the date of the event, the sponsoring organization must present the permit as issued by the state to Security/Safety for posting. 

Special Occasion License

A special occasion license is required to sell liquor at a specified occasion at a designated place. The process is initiated by obtaining an application form from the local State Liquor Control Board Office. The form must be completed by the applicant and presented with the Application for Facility Use form to the Events Services Office. The form will be forwarded to the president for approval and signature.

The applicant must mail a copy of the returned authorized form along with the appropriate fee to the Washington State Liquor Control Board in Olympia. A minimum of 30 days should be allowed for processing.

A copy of the signed form will be forwarded to Security/Safety by the Events Services Office. On the date of the event, the sponsoring organization must present the permit as issued by the state to Security/Safety for posting.

All groups qualifying for use of alcoholic beverages must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Washington State Liquor Control Board and the Clark College Board of Trustees.

Additional security usually is required for an event where alcohol is involved as determined by the director of security/safety. Ordinarily, the cost will be billed to the sponsoring organization.