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Faculty ctcLink Information

Faculty work in Campus Solutions in PeopleSoft.  There is a Faculty Center, which provides one location for most all student related information.  Click on the topic to open documentation about this business process.  

The items listed below are accessed through the NavBar in Campus Solutions

There is an Advisor Homepage for faculty who are also Faculty Advisors.  See the Learning myCLARK page for more information.

Click Here to register for on-line training.  The following course are recomended for faculty:

NOTE: College Canvas links remain accessible to students through the portal page during pillar maintenance unless the entire production environment is down. If it is down the maintenance page that users are redirected to contains college Canvas links.  In the case of a mobile-page outage such as when then Campus Solutions pillar is taken offline, mobile users are redirected to that same maintenance page which contains college Canvas links.