Time-sheet entry using a screen reader
CtcLink Timesheet Entry
Updated: 12/5/2019
The following is an overview of the Timesheet system in ctcLink under HCM Self-Service. This tutorial will run through the steps to complete several functions of the Time recording system in ctcLink. Select HCM Self-Service from the Left Navigation Menu on the Clark College ctc Homepage.
The landing page for HCM Self-Service follows the same layout as the Student Homepage section of ctcLink. After your standard static navigation at the top of the page, you will find a collage of Tiles on the page. As seen in previous sections of ctcLink, these Tiles function as links. Select Time from the Tile links to proceed to enter your timesheet information. On the Time page, you can bypass the standard static navigation on the Time page and simply activate your Links List and use first letter navigation to locate Enter Time, press enter, and you will proceed to the Enter Time page.
Enter Time
The Enter Time Page allows you to view the current weeks of the current pay period as well as other pay periods. The Enter Time page begins with the standard static navigation at the top of the page. Next, you will find your job title followed by a button to go back to the previous pay period on the calendar. You can then Tab to the next form field which will auto-populate the date of the start of the current week in the pay period. You can delete the date from this edit box and enter a different date of another pay period to view that pay period. Users will encounter a prompt before proceeding to future dates in future pay periods before proceeding out of the current pay period. However, if timesheet deadlines have passed, you will not be able to input reported time entries for previous pay periods and you will not be prompted when viewing previous pay periods. You can still view your submissions of previous pay periods in the system despite not being able to report after timesheet deadlines.
Next, you can Tab to the calendar button to open a dialogue with a month and year combo box. Activate the combo boxes and use your arrows to make your selection. Then, choose from the calendar that populates below to continue. The last option before the week/pay period calendar is a button to continue to the next pay period.
You will also notice that below these options, you will find text which lists the length of the pay period (I.E Semi-Monthly) along with the number of hours you are scheduled for followed by the number of hours you have reported to the system. After this information, you can select the previous week button to jump back to any previous weeks in the current pay period. This button will be unavailable if your focus is on the 1st week of the pay period. Next, you can Tab into the Pay Period Week combo box. Toggle between the options by using your up and down arrows and press Enter on your selection to continue to that week in the pay period. You can also Tab to the next week button and activate it as an alternative to using the combo box.
If you have the final week of the pay period selected, you will find the next week button unavailable when trying to proceed to the next week. Lastly, before you enter the calendar entry tool, you will find text which displays the number of hours scheduled for the current week in the pay period along with any time that you have reported to the system for that specific week.
The Enter Time page serves the user by allowing for quick entry of recorded work time. With this tool, you can easily add more than 1 day at a time to your timesheet. Users can enter time by typing the number of hours worked in each edit box for the corresponding day on the calendar. This can also be easily managed with a screen reader.
When using the Timesheet entry calendar, you can add your reported time each day that you work, or you can add all your reported time at once. Most importantly, each addition, subtraction or edit that you make on the Enter Time page can only be saved if you choose the Submit button at the bottom of the page each time you make changes to your timesheet. If you exit the Enter Time page without selecting the Submit button, the system will prompt you to save your changes or to exit without saving your changes.
By default, the reporting code for the time you enter is based on your job classification. However, if any time adjustments are necessary for a day or multiple days in your timesheet, you can edit the time reporting codes for each day in the Enter Time system or on the Report Time page in HCM Self-Service. To adjust your Time Reporting Code, activate the reporting code combo box and use your arrows to make your selection on the day you are adjusting in the timesheet system.
TIP: When your screen reader is focused on the Enter Time page, you can jump between each individual day on the calendar by navigating using form fields or edit fields. For example, if you worked 8.0 hours on the first Monday of the first week of the pay period, jump between edit fields on the page by pressing the letter E or the letter F on the keyboard until you hear the desired edit box. The JAWS screen reader will typically automatically enter you into forms entry mode but if you type in your hours and nothing is recorded, try navigating to the date of choice once more by pressing the letter E on the keyboard. Once you have found your date, press Enter to activate forms mode and type in the number of hours worked in decimal form.
TIP: Use Tab to jump to the next edit box on the next day of the calendar. Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and press Tab at the same time to jump back to the previous day’s edit box. After you have tabbed through and entered time on each day worked on that week of the pay period, you will exit out of the time entry area and your entered time will remain saved.
Since you can only view the current week in the pay period, you may need to go back to the previous week or jump forward to the next week to complete your timesheet for the pay period. The time you have entered will continue to be saved as you work through the pay period to ensure all days have been reported.
You can also add comments for each day reported on your timesheet. When viewing a specific week in the time entry calendar, there are 7 buttons labeled Comments for each day of that week. Unfortunately, each button is not labeled with the day it corresponds to, so you will have to count each button to find which day it corresponds to during the week. Keep in mind that the system displays the weekly calendar starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. So the first comments button will correspond to Sunday, the 2nd Comments button will correspond to Monday, and so on.
If needed, there is a comment button under each day. Once you have selected the desired Comments button for that day of the week, a dialogue will open with a text edit box for you to include additional information about that reported time. Choose the ok button to save your Comments or choose the Close button to exit without saving. Each day that you enter additional Comments for will now appear in the list of Comments buttons as a Review Comments button. For example, if you entered in additional information for a shift that you worked on Monday, you will find that the 2nd Comments button now is labeled Review Comments. For each day that you add comments to, the label of the button for that corresponding day will change from the Comments button label to the Review Comments label. Once you have reported time for your scheduled shifts and you have entered all other relevant information, you can choose the Submit Button at the bottom of the page to submit your timesheet. Note: the Submit Button is only at the bottom of the page when you click to mark the box to Enable Screen Reader Mode.
Report Time
Alternatively, instead of reporting your time through the Enter Time calendar, you can also report your time one day at a time. The Report Time page is the fourth tile on the Time page. Starts with your standard static navigation at the top of the page. Once you have navigated to Time on the HCM Self-Service page, press the B key or the F key on your keyboard when focused on the webpage. This will allow you to jump between the form elements on the page. Choose the Report Time button to continue.
You will then come to your options to change the date you are currently viewing or editing. These options begin with the Previous Date button, an edit box with the current date you are viewing or editing, a calendar button which opens the accessible calendar view and a Next day button. Users can delete the date populated on the Report Time landing page and change it to the desired date and press enter to jump to that day.
There are three sections of the Payable Time page that you will work within. The first section falls under the Reported Status heading. Under Reported Status, you can find text displaying your Reported Time in decimal form, followed by your Scheduled Time in decimal form. If your reported hours are different then your scheduled hours for the day you are viewing, you can then activate and enter the Time Reporting Code combo box which displays the reporting codes available to you to make adjustments. Next, Tab once to enter the Hours Quantity spin-box. In this edit field, you can enter the number of hours that you are reporting by entering the number manually, or you can use the up and down arrows to make your selection.
The next section of Report Time falls within the Time Details heading. Users can override timesheet submissions in this section by filling out the following fields. First up in the Time Details section is the Override Reason Code edit field followed by a button to Lookup override Reason Codes. You can enter the code manually in the edit field or you can select the Lookup button to enter a new screen with various codes and descriptions. When you are in the lookup screen, you may choose a code from the table which gives the code along with the description. The code itself is a link so you can select to auto-populate that code back into the Time Details section. You may also exit without selecting a code by choosing the Cancel button.
The next option in Time Details is to enter a Business Unit in the edit field. You can also find a Business Unit Lookup button directly after the edit field. Almost identical to the override Reason Code lookup, you can choose a Business Unit from the table of choices. Each Business Unit appears as a link in the table. Once you have made your selection, your choice will be auto populated into the Business Unit edit box under Time Details. To exit without a selection, choose the Cancel button.
The last option under Time Details is the Combination Lookup edit field followed by the Combination Code Lookup button. If you choose not to enter the code manually, select the lookup button to continue to a list of choices. When you enter the code lookup screen, you will find it identical to the other screens in this section. Make your choice from the table of codes to auto-populate the code into the edit field in Time Details. You can display more results then those shown by activating the Fetch More Rows button just before the beginning of the table. Choose Cancel to exit without selecting.
The last section of the Report Time page summarizes your submissions in the system under the heading Submitted Hours. You will also notice that when the Submitted heading is announced by your screen reader, it will also announce the number of hours you have submitted if any have been reported to the system. In the Submitted Hours section, there are 2 radial buttons to toggle between. By default, the Summary view is selected for you. The information displayed below will change based on you staying in Summary view or you can switch to Details view. Job classifications including Overtime Eligible, Overtime Exempt and Hourly may change how information is presented to you in this section. To report your time, select the Submit button at the bottom of the Report Time page to finish reporting for that day.
TIP: Users can make changes to a day reported on the timesheet system if it falls within the current pay period and you have not passed the submission deadline. Below the Summary View and Details View, you can make changes to your timesheet by activating the Edit button. Your screen reader focus will allow you to begin editing the current day that you have been viewing. Tab through and enter your adjustments and navigate to the top of the screen and you will find the Submit button. You can also choose to exit without editing by selecting the Cancel button or you can remove the entire day from the system by selecting Delete at the bottom of the screen when in edit mode.
Request Absence
To request Leave in ctcLink, return to the Time Tile under HCM Self-Service and select the sixth tile, Request Absence Link. You will find the standard static navigation at the top of the page once you have navigated to the page. The main content area begins with the Submit button. You will select this button once all your information has been entered to the form.
You can tab into the Absence Name combo box and use your up and down arrows to make your selection from the list of choices. Once you have made your selection, Tab into the Reason combo box to once again make your selection. Now, Tab once more and you will find your screen reader focus in an edit box. This is the start date of your absence request. You can enter the date manually or Tab once more and select the calendar start date button to populate your desired date in the edit box.
Next, use the same method to select an End Date for your absence request. Depending on the length of your request, the system will populate your scheduled hours into the next edit spin-box which is where you would enter the number of hours you are requesting to be absent. This number can be altered when your screen reader focus is in the hours edit spin-box or you can use your up and down arrows to make changes.
Next, if you have any partial days taking place during your absence, you can choose from additional options with each selection in the Partial Days combo box. Since the partial day timesheet feature can be difficult to execute through HCM Self-Service, don’t hesitate to contact Human Resources for assistance with your request. If you would like any additional comments submitted with your absence request, input them into the Comments edit box. The last step for absence requests is to add any attachments if necessary, to your request. Choose the Add Attachment button after the Comments edit box and follow the prompts to upload any necessary files. To process your request, navigate back to the top of the page and select Submit to finish and exit. You can also find shortcuts to View Balances and View Requests at the bottom of the page. These shortcuts can also be found on the main Time page of