Queries and Reports
**NEW*** Video - How to Run a PS Query
User Responsibility
- Before seeking out a query, users should review their processes within PeopleSoft to determine if there is a need for a query.
- In the event a user concludes a query is required, they will search for a suitable query using query viewer and the query/report repository metaLink.
- When a user cannot find a suitable query/report for their needs, they may contact a query developer for assistance (see included query developer list).
- SBCTC has created a number of listservs to support users in each pillar of PeopleSoft. This is a great place to ask questions about useful queries.
Query Developer Responsibility
- Query developer will clarify user needs and determine if a satisfactory query/report exists.
- If the query developer concludes no such satisfactory query/report exists, they will
confer with the reporting lead to decide the best way to meet the user’s needs. This
could mean:
- Identifying a suitable query for modification.
- Creating a new query.
- Opening a ticket with State Board
- Establishing a delivery mechanism outside of PeopleSoft, supported by IT or Institutional Research.