Health Risks of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse

Excessive drug and alcohol use can negatively impact your ability to be a successful employee or student.  Use of these substances are also prohibited on campus according to Administrative Policy 615.000 Drug Free Workplace and the Code of Student Conduct (WAC 132N-125-035

Drugs and alcohol use can also lead to both short- and long-term health problems, including, but not limited to neurological effects, liver and kidney failure, and contraction of a disease such as HIV or Hepatitis.  Drug and alcohol use is especially dangerous for pregnant people, as it can result in birth defects. A breif summary of the potential effects of alcohol and drugs is provided below.  The NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse has more information about the effects of alcohol and drug abuse on their website.  

For more information, speak to your primary healthcare provider, or if you are a Clark student, schedule an appointment to see our Nurse Practitioner by calling 360-992-2614 or email  

If you are a Clark Employee, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to you through Human Resources.  This benefit is available 24/7.   Call: 360-407-9490 or Toll Free at 877-313-4455.  

If you are a student concerned that your drug or alcohol use is affecting your life in negative ways, the counselors at the CHC can help!  Call 360-992-2614 or email to schedule an appointment.

Alcohol—beer, wine, liquor

Cannabis—marijuana, hashish, hashish oil

Sedatives – barbiturates, tranquilizers, methaqualone, other depressants

Hallucinogens—LSD—acid, psilocybin, peyote, mescaline, many other natural and synthetic hallucinogens

Narcotics—heroin, codeine, opium, morphine, Percodan, Percocet, Fentanyl, Oxycodone

Steroids—anabolic steroids

Stimulants—cocaine, crack, speed, amphetamines, and methamphetamines

Nicotine—cigarette, cigar, pipe smoking, vaping (e-cigarettes) chewing tobacco

Information about Moderate Drinking

If you are making a choice to drink alcoholic beverages, there are some strategies to consider adopting that will lessen the chance of a negative consequence occurring. You are encouraged to: