Running Start Information for Students

2025 Virtual Running Start Information Night

This optional information session is for students and their supporters who want to know more about beginning the Running Start program in the 2025-2026 school year. You’ll learn about eligibility, cost, enrollment steps, placement options, tips for academic planning, transferring after Running Start, and Clark student life and student support resources. During the webinar, attendees will be able to ask any questions they may have about Running Start, and we will also hear from a current Clark College student about their experience!  

Information Night Dates

  • Monday, February 3 
  • Tuesday, February 25 
  • Wednesday, March 12
  • Wednesday, April 9 
  • Thursday, April 24  

All sessions are 90 minutes and start at 6:00 p.m. The information session is optional for admittance into the Running Start Program, and each session will have the same information.

Register to Attend

Location: Zoom Webinar  

Accessibility and language support: Live closed captioning in English and live language interpreting in Spanish and Russian

Questions about this event? Email 

Application and Support Night 

After attending a Running Start Information Night, students will receive an email with enrollment details and a registration form to attend an on-campus Application and Support Night at Clark's Penguin Early College (PEC) Center. Students will have the opportunity for in-person assistance with their application steps and other general questions.  These sessions are not required, but will be made available for those wanting additional assistance. 

All sessions will be held on Clark's main campus (1933 Fort Vancouver Way) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

What you need to know:

Running Start Program Requirements

To qualify for Running Start:

  • You must be a Junior or Senior as determined by your high school and/or school district.
  • You must be currently enrolled in a Washington State public high school.
  • If you are home schooled, or a in a private school, you will need to enroll in your neighborhood public high school as “intent to home school”.
  • You can participate in Running Start for three terms as a Junior and three terms as a Senior.
  • Students must apply to the college.

College Level English or Math Placement

Where to Submit Your College Level Eligibility for English and Math

 Submit your college level placement to When you send your placements, please make sure your name is clear on your documentation and you have included your Clark College ctcLink ID number.

New Running Start Students - Steps to Enrollment

To qualify for the Running Start Program, please follow all of the steps to enrollment.

Required Clark College Orientation for New Students in Running Start

Students who complete the steps to enrollment and qualify for Running Start will be required to complete an orientation. During this event, students will receive helpful information about attending Clark College, which will include meeting with the Advising Center.  Before Orientation, you must complete placement by submitting placement documentation or taking our placement test(s).

Visit the Assessment and Placement to view your placement options.

Complete Orientation

Current Running Start Students - Enrollment Procedures

As a current Running Start Student, you will need to do the following every term:
  • Monitor important dates and deadlines for every term.
  • Meet with your high school counselor every term and complete the Enrollment Verification Form (EVF).
  • Schedule Academic Advising appointment, as needed, to ensure your success at Clark College.  An Academic Advisor can assist you with class selection and degree completion requirements.
  • Monitor class schedule in your MyClark@ctcLink account.  You are responsible for your schedule and should:
    • Monitor your waitlisted courses.
    • Check your schedule for any tuition/fees that may be due.
    • Check that you are registered for the correct classes.
    • Be sure to check for building and class locations prior to the first day of the term.
    • Drop courses from your schedule that you no longer plan to attend.
  • Pay your Fall, Winter and Spring term tuition by the tuition/fees payment due dates.
  • Purchase your books and supplies.
  • Login to Canvas AND attend your classes.

Running Start Forms

When to Discuss Running Start With Your High School Counselor

Check in with your high school.  Your high school counseling office can provide you with timelines to meet and discuss the Running Start Program.

Note:  Your high school counselor should discuss with you which classes you need to fulfill your high school graduation requirements.  When you meet with your high school counselor, they will complete and sign your Enrollment Verification Form (EVF).  The EVF will determine the number of college credits you can take at the college.  Once the EVF has been approved by your high school counselor, the high shool will submit your completed EVF to the college for the final approval and college official signature.

Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) - REQUIRED Every Term (Fall, Winter and Spring)

As a Running Start student, you must submit the Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) each term you register (Fall, Winter and Spring terms).  The purpose of this form is to track the combined number of credits in which you are enrolled between your high school and the college.  Each term student, parent/guardian must complete and sign the EVF. Students should complete the EVF early, prior to the payment deadline each term. Students must submit the completed EVF to the high school counselor for final approval. Once the EVF has been approved by your high school counselor, the high school will submit your completed EVF to the college for final approval and college official signature. Note: You must complete the EVF every term you register for classes, while in the Running Start Program.  Please read the EVF information sheet.

Note: We cannot bill your high school for tuition until you submit your EVF.  If you do not submit the form, you will be required to pay full tuition by the tuition/fees payment due date.

How to Qualify for the Running Start Program Fee Waiver

Clark College will waive college-level tuition, and non-consumable fees for eligible, low-income Running Start students.  Eligible, low-income Running Start students are still required to pay FDDA Class Material Charges, tuition/fees for courses below 100 level, and textbooks. Questions about this waiver should be directed to

Acceptable documentation must include the student's name and may include, but is not limited to, documents which prove any of the following:

  • Proof of eligibility for free or reduced-priced lunch in the last five years
  • Proof that the student's family is receiving state or federal assistance funds, such as food stamps (EBT) or State medical benefits
  • Proof of being a foster youth
  • Proof of Social Security benefits

Students only need to upload documentation to the Enrollment Services office once to qualify for the Online Running Start Fee Waiver Form.

Students must supply waiver documentation before the first day of the term or before their payment due date, whichever comes first.

Adjustments to a student's quarterly bill can only take effect after the Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) is submitted to the Enrollment Services office each term.

Students must pay any remaining fees or charges by the payment due date. Tuition for college-level credits that exceed the credit allowance according to the EVF are waived.

Note: Students approved for the Running Start Fee Waiver will pay for tuition and fees for below college level (below 100) courses. In addition, students will be charged FDDA Class Material Charges associated with courses enrolled. The RS Fee Waiver is only valid while you are in the Running Start Program.

When to Register For Classes

Log in to MyClark@ctcLink and choose from the menu on the right:
  • Access date/time - when you may begin registering for upcoming term(s)
  • Add and/or drop classes
  • Monitor your waitlisted classes
  • Check your Student Schedule

When to Begin Attending Classes

  • Spring 2025 term begins Monday, April 7, 2025
  • Summer 2025 term begins Monday, July 7, 2025
  • Fall 2025 term begins Monday, September 22, 2025
  • Winter 2026 term begins Monday, January 5, 2026

Check the Upcoming Events calendar for more information.

How to Determine the Number of Credits a Student Can Take at Clark College

The number of credits you can take in the college is determined by how many classes you are taking in the high school.  Your high school counselor will know and will specify this on your Enrollment Verification Form each term.

How Many College Credits Does it Take to Equal One High School Credit?

Five college credits equal one high school credit. Classes vary in credits, so it depends on the class you take.  See the table below as a guide. 

For example, a 1.0 high school credit class (English, Math, History, etc), which takes a school year to complete at the high school, can be completed in one term (11 weeks) at the college. 

Note: Some high schools may require more than one class to cover the content required.  For example, some high schools may require two 5 credit History classes to meet your high school graduation requirements.

Credits at Clark College

Examples of college classes

= High school credit

5 college credits

English, Math, History, Psychology, etc.

= 1.0 HS credit

4 college credits

Some Art, Chemistry and Music, etc.

= 0.8 HS credit

3 college credits

Health & PE, Biology, Economics, Women Studies, etc.

= 0.6 HS credit

2 college credits

Some PE and Human Development classes

= 0.4 HS credit

1 college credit

Some PE classes

= 0.2 HS credit


Watch an Information Session