Running Start Information for Parents

We understand your child's education is important. That is why we want to provide you with some helpful information on how to keep your student on track during their time at Clark. 

High School vs College

Your Student will find that college is very different from high school.  Running Start is a good fit for high school students who:

To learn more, download our “How is College Different From High School” guide sheet. 

Accessing Your Child's Information 

The most dramatic difference for parents is that access to information about your Running Start student is not as readily available as it was in high school.  The college must abide by strict privacy rules which apply to all students, even minors in the Running Start program.  We have provided more information about the privacy of student records on the link below.

To learn more, download the “Privacy Guidelines for Parents”  

Setting Expectations for Your Child

You can help prepare your child for Running Start by helping set the following expectations:

Student Success

Your student’s academic success is important to us.  There are many resources at Clark College to help your student including a Tutoring Center, a Writing Center, Disability Access Center (DAC), Student Success Sessions, Health Services, and Counseling.  A list of these free services is on the link below.

For more information, download the “Free Services to Support Student Success” guide

"Three words come up for me as I reminisce about my daughters experience in the Clark College running start program: Exposure-Confidence-Growth. My daughter was exposed to a variety of outstanding faculty members , a campus wide social support system, and effective learning opportunities. Her confidence in herself, her ability to extend beyond what she believed she could, and her perspectives about the future took her developmentally to new levels of growth! She assumed she would stop at a bachelors degree; however, she is now working on her second Master's degree and working in fashion management! As a parent I would not trade the contributions made by this program to my child's life for anything!"
 - Debbie, parent of Running Start student