Instruction Budget Reductions
Budget reduction update shared by Tim Cook with the college on 2/29/16:
On January 25 and February 8, the Instructional Planning Team (IPT) forwarded me their
recommendations to deactivate the Fitness Training, Medical Radiography, Nursing Assistant
Certified and Paralegal programs. This was the final step in the approval process
needed to deactivate the programs put forth from the Instruction budget reductions.
We will begin teach outs during the 2016-17 academic year. Each program teach out
will be determined individually based on the best needs of the students in the programs.
In accordance with the state requirements, teach outs will not exceed 3 years. Deans
and Directors are working closely with Advising and Registration to ensure continuing
and former students pursuing these programs will be allowed to complete the curriculum
as outlined in the eligible catalog year he/she started his/her program. Impacted
students will receive communication from their respective Dean’s office referring
them to Advising. Students will work individually with Advisors to ensure they have
filled out the Major Declaration Form and to determine their class schedules.
The Reduction in Force (RIF) committee, in compliance with the AHE Agreement, submitted
its recommendations to President Knight in December 2015. The implementation details
(e.g., state approval of the financial incentives) were not the role of the RIF committee
and are being worked through by various Administrative Services Offices.
In addition to the program deactivations, the subsequent transfer departments and
career and technical education programs will see the following reductions during the 2016-17 academic year:
Addiction Counseling: 8 sections
Astronomy: 15 sections
Business Technology: 28 sections
Communication Studies: 3 clustered speech and debate sections
Drama: 3 clustered play production sections
Family Life Parent-Child: 3 co-op parent education sections per year at Battle Ground site
Math: 30 sections
Music: 15 class sections
NTEC/CTEC: 21 sections
Nursing: Reduction of cohort size accepted each quarter from 48 to 32
Physical Education: 40 sections
Political Science: 3 clustered Model UN sections
Furthermore, all of the course offerings in the following transfer departments will
be eliminated in the 2016-17 academic year and will not be published in the 2016-17 College Catalog:
Criminal Justice
Information provided by the Reduction in Force Committee to President Robert K. Knight (Posted January 7, 2016)
Background provided by Dr. Tim Cook on 11/3/2015 to all college
Background provided by Dr. Tim Cook on 9/14/2015 to all faculty