645.000 - Faculty Contracts, Bank, Loads, and Assignments

These matters are specifically governed by state law, applicable WAC's and provisions of the CC/AHE Agreement and are commensurate with the College’s expectations for teaching, service, scholarship, research and/or artistic creation. The College will employ appropriately qualified faculty sufficient in number to achieve its educational objectives, establish and oversee academic policies, and assure the integrity and continuity of its academic programs.


The job description for faculty in the library/learning resources area is detailed in the CC/AHE Agreement.


The job description for counselors is detailed in the CC/AHE Agreement.


The job description for teaching faculty is detailed in the CC/AHE Agreement.


Responsibilities and duties in addition to those specified for teaching faculty include, but are not limited to:

  1. Provide overall supervision for Dental Hygiene Program, and teach part-time in the program.

  2. Provide leadership for ongoing curriculum development and be responsible with the unit dean for the evaluation of teaching within the Dental Hygiene Program.

  3. Arrange for regular meetings between faculty members and representatives of cooperating agencies for evaluation and planning of the instructional program.

  4. Arrange class schedules and faculty assignments in cooperation with other division chairs.

  5. Collaborate with the unit dean in establishing and evaluating admissions policies for the Dental Hygiene Program; recommend modification as needed.

  6. Provide staff for student registration and advising in cooperation with the Office of Admissions.

  7. Ascertain that Dental Hygiene students meet requirements for the State Board examination.

  8. Be a member of screening committees for Dental Hygiene faculty vacancies and direct recruitment strategies.

  9. Provide for orientation of new Dental Hygiene faculty, conduct ongoing faculty in-service, and recommend professional development opportunities.

  10. Make arrangements for substitute Dental Hygiene faculty members as necessary in cases of faculty absence.

  11. Participate in and provide consultation to Program Advisory Committee.

  12. Prepare and administer budget for the Dental Hygiene Program.

  13. Supervise development and scheduling of continuing education opportunities for dental health personnel.

  14. Provide assistance in the clinical area as needed.

  15. Prepare required reports for State Board of Examiners and for accreditation by the American Dental Association.

  16. Assume responsibility for the Dental Hygiene Clinic, the laboratory, departmental equipment, facilities, and related activities.

  17. Maintain communications with high school counselors, cooperating agencies, and members of the dental health professions.

  18. Develop, administer, and modify, as needed, contractual agreements between the College and cooperating agencies and professional service providers.

  19. Work to achieve and support affirmative action goals as established by the College.

  20. Perform other duties as assigned by the vice president of instruction or the dean.

  21. Work with students regarding concerns, complaints, etc.



These are faculty positions defined in the CC/AHE Agreement.