637.000 - Children in the Workplace

Clark College employees are not permitted to bring children under 16 years of age to the workplace except for an occasional incidental, brief visit by a child to a parent’s workplace, or participation in an organized and approved educational event that permits children to observe and/or participate in a parent’s work activity.  Exceptions to this policy may be made only by written request to immediate supervisor or to the Dean.


Clark College employees are not permitted to bring children under 16 years of age to the workplace except in accordance with this policy. Nothing in this policy precludes an occasional incidental, brief visit by a child to a parent’s workplace, or participation in an organized and approved educational event that permits children to observe and/or participate in a parent’s work activity.

The workplace is not an alternative to or for regular childcare. When childcare arrangements fail, the employee should seek alternatives prior to requesting to bring the child to the workplace. Alternatives include using accrued leave or leave without pay to care for the child at home.

In the case of an emergency, e.g., when the employee cannot be absent from the workplace due to a specific work activity, the supervisor may grant an exception to this policy. A written request for an exception must be submitted to the immediate supervisor (for administrative, exempt, and classified employees) or to the Dean (for faculty). Such exceptions are subject to the following provisions:

  1. A child who is ill and not accepted by a regular day care provider, particularly a child with infectious disease, may not be brought to the workplace under any circumstances.

  2. Children are prohibited from entering hazardous areas such as laboratories, kitchens, and workshops.

  3. The employee who brought the child to the workplace is responsible for keeping the child within his or her sight and sound at all times.

  4. The employee may not ask any other employee or student to supervise or otherwise care for the child.

  5. The employee who brought the child to the workplace is responsible for all aspects of the child’s behavior. The employee is responsible for the child’s safety and is financially responsible for any damage(s) caused by the child.

  6. The presence of the child cannot disrupt the work or learning environment or negatively impact the productivity of the employee who brought the child, other employees, or students.

  7. The employee’s supervisor may direct the employee to remove the child from the workplace at any time if the supervisor determines that this policy has been violated or that the child’s presence negatively impacts College interests.