SmartHealth Incentive
What is SmartHealth?
SmartHealth is Washington State's voluntary wellness program that supports you on your journey toward living well. It is included in your PEBB benefits at no cost to you. Use SmartHealth to enhance your well-being.
- Sign up or login in to SmartHealth or create an account (Access on computer, tablet or smartphone app)
- Complete the well-being assessment and earn points, while understanding which activities better suit your wellness goals.
- Complete activities and track your points on SmartHealth to earn the wellness incentive by the November 30th deadline (activities can range from simple to complex and include things like, reduce daily amount of salt intake, lowering water temperature at home, or attending a webinar).
Who can Join SmartHealth?
Employees who are enrolled in a PEBB medical benefits plan are eligible.
Visit the Washington State Health Care Authority website for more information on eligibility.
What is the incentive?
Employees enrolled in a PEBB medical plan can qualify for a $125 wellness incentive. Complete the well-being assessment (worth 800 points) and reach 2,000 points by the annual deadline to qualify for the $125 incentive.
SmartHealth Resources
Learn more about SmartHealth
- Visit the SmartHealth webpage.
- Review the basic steps to log on to SmartHealth or Accessing SmartHealth guide.
- Watch the SmartHealth Stories video and SmartHealth Overview video.