Withdrawal Policy

Students may withdraw from most classes through the day prior to the last day of term (fall, spring and winter terms).

For deadlines, see the Important Dates & Deadlines Calendar.

The withdrawal is effective on the date the Enrollment Services office receives the Registration Form from the student in person with photo ID - OR - the date the student withdraws from the class online. Documents may be submitted to enroll@clark.edu.

You should not assume you will be dropped for non-attendance or non-payment.

Please be aware that withdrawing from class(es) may affect a students' Financial Aid funding. Please contact the Financial Aid office prior to the withdrawal process.

You may find more information at Maintaining Eligibility. You may contact the Financial Aid office at finaidmail@clark.edu or join the Financial Aid office drop-in virtual Zoom.

Withdrawal Policies and Procedures for fall, spring and winter terms


Administrative Withdrawal

Under guidance of the Registrar, students who meet the circumstances as stated in the Procedure for Administrative Withdrawal Request may request a withdrawal. This process is not intended to be used for students who fail to meet the established withdrawal deadlines. Extenuating circumstances for consideration must be:

Students may contact the Enrollment Services Office at enroll@clark.edu for more information about an Administrative Withdrawal or join the Enrollment Services virtual Zoom for assistance.


Deadline exceptions and refunds may be granted on the student’s behalf or by student request in the event of a natural disaster, catastrophe or other event outside of the control of the college and the student that prevents completion of scheduled coursework.  If such an incident occurs the college will contact affected students to provide additional information, tuition refunds or other applicable resolutions.