LGBTQ Initiative

Clark College is committed to promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. Under the guidance of the Washington State Student Services Commission, we are proud to announce this student success initiative which became effective in the 2013-14 academic year.

This landmark project began as a student-driven initiative developed at the 2011 Washington Community and Technical College Legislative Voice Academy. One of the five critical issues brought to the forefront was the recommendation to include LGBTQ demographic categories as part of our data collection in the CTC system.

The video below illustrates the importance of this data collection through the eyes of students.

Students may share information about their sexual orientations and gender identities at the time of registration at Clark College. The data we collect will allow us to promote a welcoming campus, enhance programs and services, better track students' progress and success and assist in promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment for LGBTQ students enrolled in the CTC system.

 Two questions will appear on paper registration forms and during the online registration process:

1. What is your sexual orientation?

2. What is your gender identity?

Responses to the questions are optional; however, we encourage students to provide this information to enhance services and learning opportunities at Clark College.

 Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Is there a specific reason you are collecting this data?  Yes. The primary motivation for implementing this initiative is to promote a safe and inclusive learning environment (campus climate) for LGBTQ students enrolled in the Washington State CTC system. Collecting and tracking data will allow the colleges to know more about their students, thus be better prepared to design and develop curricular and co-curricular offerings that reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of all students. The task force has determined through research, practitioner knowledge and student testimonies that implementing this initiative would serve as a visible testament to the CTC's commitment to diversity, inclusion, academic achievement and student success.

 2. How will the data be collected and secured?  Data will be collected on registration forms. These data elements will be included as part of the student's biographical record, available for college institutional research, and reported to the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (BSCTC) as part of the state reporting process. This will provide the capacity to extract data from a system-wide perspective. SBCTC has developed detailed guidelines to determine who will have access to this data. The board has also adopted a set of redaction policies to ensure that aggregated data is also not identifiable.

 3. Will you report this information to outside agencies? No.

 4. What if I leave the question blank? Will you require me to select my sexual orientation or gender identity?  No, a student may select "Prefer not to answer."

 5. Will this information be disclosed to my peers or professors?  No.

 6. Who will have access to the registration information?  Institutional research departments will have access to the data.

 7. Will I be able to update and change my status after I register for classes?  Yes.

 8. Does your college collect this information from faculty and staff?  No.

 9. Will this information always be linked to my name at Clark College?  Yes.

 10. If I transfer schools, will you provide this information to my new institution?  No.

 11. If another school or entity asks you for this information, will you provide it?  No.

 12.  If I provide this information, will it be kept private?  Yes. (Information may be released with student consent or as part of a college response to a lawfully issued subpoena.)

 13.  Does your campus have a clear procedure for reporting LGBTQ-related bias incidents and hate crimes?  Yes.

 If you have questions about this initiative, please contact the Enrollment Services Office at or 360-992-2107.


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