321.000 - Library Services

The College shall have procedures in place and clearly communicate those procedures regarding access to and use of library and information services. The procedures must be accessible to anyone who desires to use the library and information resources the College offers. The College shall enforce the compliance of the procedures.

321.005 LIBRARY

Services provided by the Library include library instruction, reference, faculty consultation, and materials check out. Additionally, the Library provides public access computers to students, faculty, and staff. The Library serves community needs to the extent of available resources.

Faculty and staff requests are supported for professional, personal, or research needs.

Staff members are available to provide assistance during open hours.



Borrowers must agree to return borrowed items promptly and to comply with the policies of Clark College Libraries and Clark College. Policy violations and failure to return items in good condition or pay fees will result in the loss of library privileges.

Cards are issued to individuals, not families or businesses.

Current Clark College Students, Faculty, and Staff

A current Clark College Library card or a valid Clark College ID is required to borrow library items, including course reserves that are restricted to building-use only. Current Clark College students, faculty, and staff may either use a College ID (must be scannable) or obtain a library card at a Clark College Libraries Check Out Desk by presenting picture identification and confirmation of their current mailing address, regardless of residence.


Faculty and staff who retire with the status of emeritus receive borrowing privileges upon verification of emeritus status and completion of a library registration form. Emeritus library privileges include: borrowing of Clark College library items, Summit items, and off-site research database access. Emeriti are subject to employee borrowing policies.

Community Members

Other residents of Community College Service District 14 who are age 16 or older are eligible for a Clark College Library card with valid picture identification along with proof of current residence and birth date. Stricter limits on number of items checked out may be imposed for persons in temporary residences. Community patron cards must be renewed in person and proof of residence verified each quarter. Continued borrowing privileges are contingent on promptly returning all materials borrowed in good condition. Some services and resources are limited to Clark College students enrolled in credit classes, current faculty, and staff.

Orbis Cascade/Summit Visitors

Visiting patrons from other Orbis Cascade Alliance or institutions which have established a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Clark College may check out materials which are available for loan in the combined Summit catalog. Patrons must present picture and/or institutional identification and also be verified to be in good standing at their home institutions. Some local collection variations apply.

Clark College Departments

Clark College departments may establish records for the purpose of borrowing materials if financial responsibility is established and authorized borrowers are properly designated.


  • Clark College Library cards or valid Clark College IDs must be presented for check out. A fee may be charged for replacement of cards or refusal to present the card at check out.
  • Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to help prevent fraudulent use. Report name and address changes promptly.
  • Know due dates. Cardholders must return or renew items in order to avoid fines and/or suspension of borrowing privileges.
  • Cardholders are responsible for the physical condition of any items checked out on their card. Do not lend your library card to anyone, including family members.


All borrowers are limited to a total of 25 items out at any time, including audiovisual, course reserve, interlibrary loan and Summit borrowing. Only three video items total per borrower are permitted. Exceptions may be made for instructional use in Clark College classes.

Videos and DVDs owned by the library are circulated to students, staff, and community patrons. However priority use is given to faculty and staff who are requesting the item for instructional use during Clark College classes. Cannell Library does not rent or loan videos or DVDs for off-campus use by other agencies, including interlibrary loan.

Faculty and staff are responsible for obtaining public performance rights for special campus showings of library or personally owned videos or DVDs.

Students are permitted to check out one each: laptop with power adapter, head phones, or calculator, but are limited to two pieces of equipment (not including power adapter) out at one time. Students may have only one laptop or netbook regardless if it is for extended or hourly loan.

Clark College students have priority use of items placed on course reserve for classes. Course reserve item limits are two print and one audiovisual item out at one time. Course reserve items have a 3-hour, in-library use only limit for community patrons or Orbis Cascade/Summit adopted visitors. Exceptions can be made for course reserve items placed on course reserve for use by distance education classes from other institutions taught on the Clark College campuses.

Community patrons and Orbis Cascade/Summit adopted patrons are not allowed to check out equipment (even for use in the building). Exceptions for magnifying glasses or remote controls are at the discretion of Access Services Work Leader on duty.

Reference librarians can limit the number of items in a subject area that may be checked out by any one person during check out.

Reference books, periodicals, specified DVDs or video recordings, and certain other designated items do not check out of the library. Exceptions can be made by the reference librarian on duty for Clark College employees in special circumstances. Loan periods will be extremely limited for these items.

Loan Periods

  • Books and CDs from unrestricted Clark College Library collections: 21 days
  • Videos and DVDs from Clark College collections: 6 days
  • Course reserve items: instructors may choose either 3-hour, restricted to use inside the building, 3 day, or 7 day loan periods.
  • Summit books: 6 weeks
  • Summit audiovisual items: 6 days


Most books, DVDs, CDs, and videos from unrestricted Clark College Libraries collections can usually be renewed twice, provided there are no requests on them, they are not billed, and the patron's record has not expired. Exceptions may be made for Clark College faculty and administrators by circulation work leaders.

Course reserve items and hourly loan equipment cannot be renewed.

Returning an item and immediately checking it out again to circumvent the no renewals policy is also prohibited.

Summit item renewal limits are established by the lending library and cannot be altered by Clark College circulation staff. There are no renewals for Summit items.

Clark College patrons are strongly encouraged to renew items online. Library staff will process telephone and e-mail renewal requests, but patrons are also informed of the online procedure for future renewals.

Requests and Recalls

All Clark College Libraries circulating items are subject to recall at any time. Recalls are primarily used to retrieve items for placement on library course reserve.

All borrowers are limited to a maximum of 25 active hold requests. Requests can be placed on Clark College materials from unrestricted collections online from on or off campus - even if the item is available. Summit items may only be requested by students currently enrolled in credit classes and by current or retired employees. Staff can make arrangements for specific video items to be delivered to the Information Commons at CTC for students to check out there.

Phone requests to retrieve items from the stacks will be accepted and searched within one hour providing there is staff available. Printing and paging of requests is done twice daily generally mid-morning and early evening during weekdays and once on weekend days when Cannell Library is open.

Items will be delivered by courier for pick up to either the Information Commons at CTC or Cannell Library according to what the requester specifies. Items must be picked up at either Cannell Library or the Information Commons when the building is open. The campus libraries do not mail out books off campus or through campus mail to individuals.

Borrowers will be notified by e-mail when items are ready for checkout. Students will be notified via their Clark College student e-mail account. Items from the Clark College Libraries will be held seven days after a patron notice is sent; however short loan items from Summit such as videos and DVDs can only be held for two days before they are returned. When the library is closed for quarter break, appointments can be made to pick up requested items by calling the Cannell Library circulation department.

Staff may offer to items until the end of the day if a patron does not have a library account.

Cannell Library usually does not hold periodicals, reference, or any restricted collections on the special hold shelf. Exceptions might be made in special cases, but not for over 24 hours.

Clark College Libraries will not function as a pick-up point between people. Items left for others to retrieve will be put in lost and found and given to Security.

Booking Videos for Classroom Use

Instructors should book library videos and DVDs in advance for use in the classroom. They may book items for the entire quarter at the beginning of that quarter to reduce scheduling conflicts. Requests for video bookings may be made up to three days before the anticipated show date, but faculty are encouraged to remember that by that time the video they wish to book may not be available and the circulation department will be unable to change that. Booking is available online from the library web page. Requests are limited to three videos and/or DVDs per day.

Faculty members have the option of picking up Cannell Library videos and DVDs at the Check Out desk or receiving them through campus mail at their mail stop. Requests for delivery to a mail stop should be made at least seven week days prior to the use date to allow for transit. Otherwise, faculty must pick up items from the Check Out Desk.

For faculty members located at the CTC or Clark College at WSU-V, requests must be made at least 10 weekdays before the show date, or the videos will not be able to reach them via the courier.

Faculty may return videos and DVDs to the Check Out Desk, to one of our two book drops (located at the front entrance of Cannell Library and near the North Gaiser Hall Green parking lot), or through campus mail to mail stop LIB 112 using a specially marked bag.


Items borrowed from all Orbis Cascade Alliance libraries may also be returned to a Clark College Libraries location, unless specified otherwise.

Outside return boxes can be used even during quarter breaks when buildings are closed.

When classes are in session, Cannell Library staff retrieve items in the outside return boxes in the morning and mid-afternoon on weekdays. On weekends during the session and weekdays during quarter breaks, staff retrieves items once each day.

Information Commons staff retrieve items once each day, Monday through Thursday. During quarter breaks, the Information Commons staff retrieve items on Monday and Thursday mornings.

Fees and Fines

State law makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to intentionally injure, deface, or destroy any library property. Persons who publicly state they have intentionally damaged or retained library materials will be considered violators and will lose borrowing privileges at Clark College Libraries. Violators may be prosecuted, subject to fines and/or lose library privileges permanently.

A person is responsible for any items checked out with their cards until they are returned in good condition to the book return boxes or Check Out Desk. The cardholder is responsible whether courtesy reminder notices are received or not. Charges are referred to a collection agency for reimbursement.

Grades, transcripts, registration, student aid payments, and Clark College employee paychecks will be blocked when items are billed or fees charged. Library borrowing privileges will also be curtailed or suspended. All items must be returned and/or fines paid before a library block is removed.

Students whose records are blocked must return or pay fees in order to register for classes. Department supervisors or deans may be notified if instructors have fees and have not responded to notices or other contacts to resolve borrowing issues.


Daily fines are charged for some late materials belonging to Clark College. Extended loan netbooks and adapters are charged a $10 per day. Hourly course reserves, equipment, and study room keys incur a $5 per hour fee to a maximum of $50 when returned late.

Items are considered lost when the patron does not respond to library notices or contacts. When Summit, Interlibrary Loan and non-hourly course reserve materials are seven days overdue, a $15 billing fine is added to the patron's account. When books and CDs are 28 days overdue, a $15 billing fine is added to the patron's account.

Charges for Lost or Damaged Items

Items that are returned damaged are billed immediately. Charges depend on the type of material and extent of damage. The cost of repair or binding will be charged for damaged print materials that are repairable. There is a minimum charge of $10 for any item that is damaged while in circulation and subsequently repaired and returned to the collection.

There are designated replacement charges (see chart) for lost or damaged materials. The charge billed for lost or damaged items may be more than the average replacement cost listed if the actual price paid is determined to be higher. Clark College Libraries will not accept a substitute in lieu of payment for lost or damaged items. Replacement costs are intended to include some of the costs of cataloging and processing.

Payment of fees for damaged or overdue item(s) does not constitute purchase of items, which remain Washington State property. Damaged books cannot be purchased from the library.

Replacement charges:

Audiovisual & Equipment  
Audiotapes & CDs   $45
Videos & DVDs    $100
Equipment (does not include laptops)    $40 or replacement cost
Computers & Projectors      $1000 - $1600
General     $45
Renaissance Kids & ESL/ENL   $25
Reference   $75
Course reserves  
Print & Audiovisual    $45
Interlibrary Loan or Summit     $75 (or as designated by the lending library) plus $15 fine
Periodicals    $25

Appeals and Claims Returned

Patrons who question a bill or fee should discuss policy and options with the Circulation Work Leader at the Check Out Desk. Unresolved issues are referred to the Access Services Manager. The Library Director handles final appeals concerning fees.

If any items are reported returned by the patron but not found immediately by the staff, the situation must be resolved before any more materials may be borrowed. An exception is made only for course reserves which are used in the library. Blocks may be temporarily removed while items are in claims returned status. After one month, if the claims returned materials item(s) aren’t located by the library staff, they are considered lost and a second bill is sent. A claims returned report is generated weekly and staff searches shelves at least weekly.

Summit items reported as returned but not found by staff are searched weekly and the lending library and other Orbis Cascade Alliance libraries are contacted for assistance. A note is put on the patron record and borrowing can continue for one month. If items are not found by then, borrowing is suspended and the borrower must then pay charges to clear their record.

Payments and Refunds

Only authorized circulation personnel can adjust or waive charges and delete messages from patron records. Student assistants are not authorized to make exceptions to circulation policy.

Refunds are given for Clark College library items returned in good condition within six months of the payment date. No refunds will be given for overdue fees or when reimbursement has already been paid to another lending agency. Billing fines for items are non-refundable, including Summit items.

Audiovisual Equipment

  • Audio and visual equipment is intended for use with library course reserve materials or Clark College curriculum-related materials only.
  • Media equipment must be used in the library. Headphones may only be used inside the building or in the LibLab on the second floor at Cannell Library.
  • Individuals or groups of two should use the equipment along the railing on the second floor of the Cannell Library
  • Video players and computers provided for the group study rooms are intended for group viewing of curriculum-related materials only.


Statement of Purpose 

Clark College Libraries supports the educational mission of Clark College by providing information resources for teaching and learning. To accomplish these objectives, the library endeavors:

  • to provide organized collections of information resources in varied formats;
  • to make information resources readily accessible by providing adequate staff and appropriate facilities, furnishings, equipment, and supplies; and
  • to facilitate learning and support literacy and community service by encouraging creative instruction, independent study, and effective use of library resources by students, faculty, staff, and the community.

Oversight of library services and collections is delegated by the College to the Dean of Libraries.

Library resources are selected for purchase by faculty librarians who work in collaboration with faculty in academic programs. The library will purchase library resources in direct support of the current curriculum at Clark College. The diversity of the community college curriculum and student body require that the collection contain materials supporting both academic and vocational programs, as well as materials for all levels of educational attainment and personal enrichment. The collection should provide students the information they need for papers, speeches, and projects assigned in their courses and also stimulate intellectual interests.

The collection should meet the instructional needs of faculty and provide materials for use by teachers in class preparation. Community users will be served by making the library’s collections available to the public, as permitted.

Library resources will be collected in various formats including books, newspapers, periodicals, electronic resources, government documents, and media materials. When possible, electronic format is preferred to facilitate access except when another format is more suitable for use. English is the primary language of the collection. Emphasis is on current imprints, although works of specific historical nature may be selectively acquired.

The American Library Association has defined collecting levels in its Guidelines for Collection Development. (Chicago: ALA, 1979). At Clark College materials are collected at the following levels:

Initial Study Level: A collection which is adequate to support undergraduate courses, including a judicious selection from currently published basic monographs, selected seminal retrospective monographs listed in noted bibliographies, a broad selection of works of important writers, a selection of the most significant works of secondary writers, a selection of major journals, and current editions of the most significant reference tools and bibliographies.

Basic Level: A highly selective collection which serves to introduce and define the subject and to indicate the varieties of information available elsewhere, including major dictionaries and encyclopedias, selected editions of important works, historical surveys, important bibliographies, and major periodicals.

Minimal Level: A subject area in which few selections are made beyond very basic works.

Highly specialized materials for individual faculty, student, or administrative use will not be purchased. They are available through the Orbis Cascade Alliance Summit borrowing or interlibrary loan.

Special consideration is given to new programs so that library holdings are adequate to support them. Librarians work closely with faculty in those programs to insure relevance of potential additions to the collection. Current titles have a higher priority than retrospective titles.

Equipment provided will enhance and support both self-directed and collaborative learning experiences by facilitating access to resource formats.

Intellectual Freedom

Clark College Libraries does not promote particular beliefs or views. It provides individuals with resources so they can examine issues freely and make decisions and it affirms the statement of the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association. 

Clark College Libraries asserts its duty to keep in its collection a representative selection of materials on all subjects of interest to its users, including materials which deal with controversial questions. Because opinions do differ, the library’s materials may be questioned or challenged. The individual lodging a complaint will be asked to fill out a written criticism. After staff review, the Dean of Libraries will reply in writing to the person or group.

Evaluation and Selection

The librarians rely on several standard authorities to evaluate and select materials for the collection. Bibliographies, such as Resources for College Libraries, are consulted. Reviewing sources, such as Library Journal, professional journals, association newsletters and lists of publications, curriculum guides and course outlines, publisher’s announcements, and lists of government documents are checked for notices of important and worthwhile publications.

The selection of vendors, publishers, approval plans, etc. for library materials is the responsibility of the library staff. Emphasis will be on response time, accuracy, special services, and discounts. All purchases are made in accordance with Clark College purchasing procedures.


Selection of materials is based on individual recommendations and perusal of critical reviews and both current and retrospective bibliographies. All faculty members are strongly encouraged to recommend for selection current titles in their subject fields. An online Book Request Form is available. Overall collection development and balance of the collection is the responsibility of the librarians. Requests for books should be submitted to a subject liaison.

The primary criterion for the selection of materials is the relevance of the material to the current curriculum at Clark College. Factors to be considered are demands of curriculum, interests of faculty and students, and subject area weakness. Specific criteria for selection of individual titles are:

  • anticipated use
  • accuracy
  • authority of the author
  • reputation of the publisher
  • timeliness of the publication
  • strength of present holdings in the subject area
  • literary quality
  • cost
  • contribution to the field of knowledge
  • level of treatment
  • format

Requests for materials for the reference collections are normally initiated by the librarians based on patron needs. Significant series and continuations will be procured on a standing order basis in order to insure completeness of holdings.

In general, one copy of any individual item in the circulating collection will be considered sufficient. Requests for additional copies must be justified, taking into consideration:

  • past or anticipated demand;
  • existing materials in the collections;
  • special needs which justify the purchase of more than one copy.

When available, high quality paperbound books are preferred to hardbacks. They are bound when possible before being housed in the collection.  Electronic books are also collected. 

Textbooks (that is works intended as principal teaching aids) are normally not selected. Exceptions are when:

  • a particular textbook is recognized by experts as a classic in the field;
  • a textbook presents materials in a way which is especially valuable to users in the opinion of teaching faculty and librarians (as for example, "Case studies" in psychology or business) and whose usefulness to readers will probably outlive related course offerings;
  • other kinds of monographs in a curricular area are sparse;
  • a textbook treats an important subject not otherwise represented in the collection.

Instructors may place copies of textbooks they provide on 3-hour course reserve if they choose.


The current information found only in periodicals is vital to support academic programs. Selection criteria for periodicals are similar to those for books. However, because periodical acquisitions represent a significant commitment of annual funds, faculty requesting new subscriptions are asked to discuss their needs with the librarians.

Priority is assigned to those journals that are frequently cited and indexed, and which are likely to be used by more than a few readers. New subscriptions will normally begin with the current year, unless back issues are necessary. When electronic journals are bundled into aggregated packages, librarians evaluate the overall value of the package as a whole with the understanding that not every title included might be selected individually. 

Librarians will evaluate periodicals within their assigned subject areas annually. Cancellations because of changing curriculum, high price increases, and lack of funds may occur. Faculty may be consulted during this reevaluation process to help determine whether to continue or cancel titles.

Media Resources

Media resources (i.e. audiovisual, video, DVD, software, etc.) will be considered for addition to the collection. Collaborative funding with faculty, departments, etc. may be sought to supplement the library's budgeted amount for purchase of media resources.

Media resources are selected for purchase on the basis of joint evaluation by recommending faculty and librarians using the following criteria:

  • should be previewed and recommended by a faculty member if possible;
  • should use critical reviews from reputable selection tools;
  • should support the curriculum of the college or provide enrichment; and
  • should anticipate high use.

Videorecordings may be purchased for home use only, with public performance rights or with educational or classroom performance rights.  The cost of the public performance version is usually significantly more than the home use version.

Many distributors sell videos with what they call educational performance rights or classroom rights. These “rights” essentially confirm the right to use the videorecording under the “face-to-face” teaching exemption of the Copyright Law but exclude public performance rights.

Home Use Only videorecordings:

  • May not be shown for public performance.
  • May not be shown in any College buildings except in the case of face-to-face teaching.
  • May be used for “face-to-face” classroom teaching where students and teachers are in the classroom together viewing the video.
  • May be previewed by faculty.
  • May be put on course reserve for checkout to students or used in the library.

Public Performance videorecordings:

  • May be viewed by individuals and groups in a variety of campus settings including viewing in a classroom, in the Library or in other College buildings.
  • May be placed on course reserve for students to use in-house.
  • May be circulated by the library subject to library policies and procedures.
  • May not be broadcast or transmitted on or off campus without special permission.

Educational Performance videorecordings:

  • May be used for “face-to-face” viewing in a classroom where students and teachers are in a classroom together viewing the video.
  • May be put on course reserve for students to use in-house.
  • May be previewed by faculty.


Equipment (i.e. computers, audiovisual viewers, calculators, headphones, etc.) will be considered for library services. Grants, gifts and collaborative funding with faculty, departments, etc. may be sought to supplement the library’s budgeted amount for purchase of equipment.

Equipment selections are made by library staff using the following criteria:

  • provide access to current learning resources;
  • use reviews or recommendations from reputable sources;
  • anticipate high use and permit multiple, consecutive users;
  • durable, reliable and relatively easy to use;
  • evaluate staffing needed for technical and user support;
  • consider space, storage and infrastructure impact; and
  • calculate lifespan cost-effectiveness as well as costs for maintenance and supplies.


The criteria for deselection should be consistent with the general criteria for selection of materials. In addition, timeliness and obsolescence of materials are criteria for weeding, especially in rapidly changing fields such as business, science, technology and medicine. Faculty are encouraged to participate in the weeding process. Weeded materials are disposed of in accordance with Washington state law.

The following considerations are given when deciding on the retention of specific titles: 

  • whether the title is indexed;
  • where the title is indexed;
  • whether the content is available electronically;
  • whether it continues to support the curriculum.

Journal backfiles are retained both in print, microform, and electronically. Weeding print or microform volumes is done in conjunction with indexing and full text electronic holdings for each title. Except for the most important historical titles, print journals are generally not retained if their full-text content is available electronically.


The library will accept donations of equipment, media resources, books and other publications, as well as gifts of money designated for the purchase of these, in accordance with the following criteria. Donors are made aware of our "Gifts" policy on the Donor Information Form.

Gifts will be reviewed by the same standards as applied to new items being selected. Gifts that are retained will be integrated into the collection and not require special facilities, control, or staffing. Gift materials (such as periodical subscriptions) requiring continuing obligations on the part of the library will not be accepted without serious consideration of the library’s ability to keep the material up-to-date. Space limitations and the cost of processing, circulating and maintaining the items are considerations in the decision to add gifts.

The library has the right to retain or dispose of any gift materials at the discretion of the library staff.

Gifts not retained will be disposed of in accordance with Washington state law. Newspapers, periodicals, and other materials brought in by individuals for the purpose of leaving them in the building for others to read are subject to the approval of library staff.

All monetary donations should be made to the library through the Clark College Foundation. No value appraisals will be made for gift items. The library informs the Clark College Foundation of materials received as gifts and the Foundation sends the donor a letter of acknowledgment.


Statement of Purpose

The course reserve collection consists of items considered essential or required reading for a course, items that are used by various departmental programs, and items in high demand by several patrons.

Student Notification

Students who want to use course reserve items must have a valid Clark College Libraries account and may be restricted to limited privileges if they have blocks caused by overdues or damages.  No course reserves check-out 15 minutes prior to the library's closing.

Copyright Guidelines

The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of copies of copyrighted materials. Liability for copies placed on course reserve rests with the faculty member.

These guidelines were created to protect faculty from copyright infringement. Restrictions apply to photocopied materials or media copied from a published source and Internet materials. The guidelines are a compilation from other institutions, and we believe they are reasonable. Faculty may contact a librarian for further information; consultation with a librarian does not constitute legal counsel. 

  • Faculty may put student-produced materials on course reserve only with student’s written permission. Student names will be removed from works before they are added.
  • Commercial videotapes or cassettes, library-owned videos, or tapes of classroom activities may be put on course reserve without publisher permission. Programs taped off the air may not be put on course reserve without publisher permission, except within the first 10 days following the airdate.
  • All items found on the Internet should be treated as if copyright law protects them. Permission to use Internet items should be obtained from the proper authority. In some cases, a link to web resources will be added.
  • Faculty may not place on course reserve workbooks, standardized tests, published answer sheets, worksheets or copies of the aforementioned items.

Submitting Items

Submit a signed form with copied item for every quarter the item is on course reserve. Faculty may submit one form per academic year for books or published media owned by the library or individual faculty. (The course must be taught during the quarter items are on course reserve). If item is photocopied, each photocopy should include notice of copyright protection. The library can supply this.

Itemize the contents of packets, in cases where multiple items are submitted together. Include title, author, source document, date and publisher.

There is a limit of 50 items on course reserve per class per quarter. 

Some items may be refused due to their condition, restrictions, value or size.

Items already designated as library use only will not be placed on course reserve except in limited circumstances.

Items obtained through interlibrary loan or direct borrowing from another library will not be placed on course reserve in the Clark College Libraries without the express permission of the lending library.

Clark College Libraries will comply with all interlibrary loan policies of the lending library. If permission is obtained to place interlibrary loan items on course reserve, the original requester will be responsible for the condition of the items and all applicable penalties (monetary and/or non-monetary). Interlibrary loan items are subject to immediate recall.

Course reserve items will be returned at the end of the quarter they are placed in the library unless requested otherwise. Items may only be kept on course reserve during the quarter in which the class is taught.

Electronic Course Reserves

The library encourages instructors to use the functionality in the Clark College learning management system to manage their electronic readings. Compliance with copyright law is compulsory in accordance with Clark College policies and procedures: Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual 675.000 COPYRIGHTS/PATENTS.

Library staff may assist with digitizing readings, advising on copyright issues, and placing items in an online course shell. For digitizing, copies must be submitted on 8.5”x11” paper. The library will stamp the first page with a copyright notice. For placing a reading in an online course, an instructor must have a course shell and inform eLearning staff that a library technician will need access to the shell.

Usage per Term

If the course reserve item is not owned by the library:

  • Faculty may only use photocopies of copyrighted items in one class for one term without publisher permission.
  • Faculty may not copy the same item for more than one calendar year without permission from the publisher for each year.
  • Faculty may not copy from the same source (periodical volume) more than three times per term without getting permission from the publisher.
  • Faculty may not use protected items more than nine different times in the same class without permission from the publisher.
  • Faculty may not photocopy and place on course reserve more than one chapter or 10% from a book without permission.


Faculty may not use photocopied items to make a textbook. Copying shall not substitute for purchase of books, publishers’ reprints, or periodicals.

Faculty may not create an anthology from several sources to substitute for a textbook and may not copy more than one chapter from a book without permission.

Lost/Damaged Items

The library is not responsible for instructor’s personal copies that are damaged or lost.

Library staff will be the mediator for trying to recover overdue material. We may make phone calls, send notices, and ultimately place a library block on the student's record. We can also accept a replacement item with the permission of the instructor.

In the event of damage, instructors must arrange for monetary reimbursement directly with the student borrower who lost or destroyed the item. The library will provide the name of the borrower to the instructor/owner. Due to system restrictions, the library cannot reimburse the instructor for any fees we collect. Library staff will remove the library block on the student record when authorized by the instructor who owned the item.



Clark College Libraries do charge daily fines for some late Clark College items. Patrons will be charged non-refundable fines for the following item types:

  • Summit and DVDs (7 days overdue) - $15
  • Interlibrary Loan and course reserves (7 days overdue) - $15
  • Clark College Books, CDs, and General Checkout (28 days overdue) - $15

Fines for Equipment and 3 Hour Course Reserve Items

  • Extended Loan Netbooks with Adapters - $10 per day each
  • 3 Hour course reserves and Equipment - $5 per hour
  • Group Study Room Keys - $5 per hour

Charges for Lost or Damaged Items

Items returned damaged are billed immediately. Charges depend on the type of item and extent of damage, with a minimum fee of $10.

Items are considered lost if a patron does not respond to library notices/contacts. Clark College Libraries will not accept a substitute in lieu of payment for lost or damaged items.

The list below identifies the minimum designated replacement fee.

Audiovisual & Equipment

Audiotapes & CDs    $45
Videos & DVDs   $100
Equipment (does not include computers)       $50 - $500
Computers & Projectors    $1000 - $1600


General    $45
Renaissance Kids & ESL/ENL    $25
Reference    $75

Course Reserves

Print & Audiovisual    $45


Interlibrary Loan or Summit        $75 (or as designated by the lending library) plus $15 fine
Periodicals   $25

NOTE: Damaged items remain Washington State property; they may not be purchased from the library. Payment of fines or a replacement fee does not constitute purchase of items.


Penalties for unpaid fees and fines include blocks on grades, transcripts, registration and employee paychecks as well as loss of library borrowing privileges. Patrons must pay all fees and fines to remove blocks and to restore their full library borrowing privileges.


Patrons who question fees or fines should discuss policy and options with the Circulation Work Leader at the Check Out Desk. Requests for review are referred to the Access Services Manager. The Library Director handles final appeals.


Statement of Purpose

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) represents a mutual agreement among libraries to share their resources. Interlibrary Loan enhances the library’s ability to provide Clark College students, faculty and other employees with needed materials. The purpose of Interlibrary Loan is to obtain, for educational pursuit with curriculum emphasis, library materials not available at Clark College or Summit Libraries. Clark College Libraries follow U.S. Copyright Law, American Library Association guidelines, local agreements, and regulations of individual lending libraries regarding Interlibrary Loan.
The lending library determines whether a particular item can be provided, the loan period, and the time it takes to process the request. Regional agreements regulating Interlibrary Loan and federal copyright law also place limitations on the types of materials that may be borrowed, as well as the number of articles that can be requested from a particular journal.

Eligibility and Limits

The Interlibrary Loan service is a privilege provided to current students, faculty and other employees of Clark College.

Clark College Libraries reserve the right to limit or refuse non-curriculum related requests as workload issues necessitate. Decisions are made at the discretion of the ILL Technician, Reference Librarians, or the Library Director.

  • A maximum of 5 request per person may be submitted per day, and only 5 per person will be processed per day.
  • A current Clark College Libraries card or Clark College photo ID is required to check out ILL materials.
  • Patrons with overdue fines or blocks on their library record may not check out ILL materials.
  • Community patrons and Corporate & Continuing Education students must use ILL services at their public libraries.
  • ILL requests from Mature Learning students must be related to their area of study at Clark College and must completed on a print form. Download the Interlibrary Loan Request Form or ask for one at the Check Out Desk or Reference Desk.
  • Students enrolled only at other institutions must use ILL services from their home institution (for example, EWU students should contact EWU Library ILL Staff).
  • Co-admission students see more information on specific ILL services.

College employees pursuing advanced degrees

Clark College Libraries request that Clark College faculty and other employees who are starting or continuing work toward advanced degrees, please contact one of the Reference Librarians or the Library Director. Librarians can work with each researcher to ensure services to best meet specific information needs. Patrons in need of numerous interlibrary loan items should balance their requests between Clark College Libraries ILL services and their degree granting institution.


An ILL Electronic Form is available on the library web page from the Services menu under the Request link. A printed Interlibrary Loan Request Form can also be obtained at any Clark College Library Reference or Check Out Desk. It is not necessary for requesters to know where a desired item is located.

  • For online forms, be sure to fill in all require fields and submit them electronically.
  • For paper forms, each request must be placed on a separate Interlibrary Loan Request Form and signed.
  • Return completed paper forms to the Reference or Checkout Desk.
  • All ILL forms must be filled in completely and accurately to be processed.

Item Availability

ILL requests will not be accepted for items currently available for check out at Clark College Libraries. If an item is owned but checked out, patrons can place a hold on it and/or request it through the Summit catalog.

Items found to be available from Summit libraries by ILL staff will be transferred to a Summit borrowing request and will be subject to policies in place for Summit items.

Some items are not available via Interlibrary Loan. Patrons will be notified if a request is unavailable, the material cannot be found as cited, or the item cannot be provided without permission from the copyright owners.

The decision to loan an item is at the discretion of the lending library. Most libraries will not ordinarily lend the following types of items: rare or valuable items, whole volumes or entire issues of periodicals, VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, cassettes, records, software, textbooks, and reference items.

Fees for Borrowing

Whenever possible, Clark College Libraries will obtain items at no charge to the requester. However, some libraries do charge to send their items. All fees assessed by the lending library will be charged to the requester. ILL staff will contact patrons to check if they want to pay the fee or cancel their request before item is requested. Patrons must pay ILL fees before such items are checked out to them.

Borrower Responsibilities

Patrons are responsible for ILL items until they are returned in good condition to Cannell Library or Information Commons at Columbia Technology Center (CTC). Items borrowed via Interlibrary Loan should not be returned to any other libraries. Any late fines or damage charges resulting from improper return will be assessed to the patron. The maximum number of ILL items that may be checked out at one time is 15.

Borrowers are also required to: 

  • pay all applicable charges
  • checkout ILL item(s) with their own library card
  • use loan items with care
  • return items by the due date
  • pay any penalties (monetary and/or nonmonetary) for failure to comply with the Clark College Libraries Interlibrary Loan policy.

Conditions of use are set by the lending library and must be observed by each borrower so as not to jeopardize borrowing privileges for the entire Clark College community. These include special restrictions, such as: In Library Use Only, Photocopying Not Allowed, and No Renewal.

Turnaround Time

The average time to obtain an ILL item is approximately 7-10 working days. Articles generally come sooner than books. Factors influencing the length of time it takes to fill a request are: completeness and accuracy of the information provided by the requester, location and availability of the item, copyright restrictions, type of delivery, and cost limits. 


For articles, patrons will receive notification at their Clark College e-mail account which is provided for all students, faculty and employees of Clark College. This is the only e-mail address that will be used for article arrival notification. E-mail notifications for articles will also contain directions on how to retrieve these documents from an online account on the Ariel server.

For books and audio-visual items, patrons will be notified by e-mail at the address on file in their library record or by phone if no valid e-mail address is on file.

Pick-Up Locations

For books and audio-visual materials, patrons have the option of specifying Cannell Library on the main Clark College campus or Information Commons at CTC campus as a pick-up location. Items sent to Information Commons at CTC will experience additional transit days due to processing at Cannell Library prior to shipping to CTC. Patrons can pick up items at Information Commons only during its open hours, Monday through Thursday.

Renewals and Recalls

Loan duration is specified by the lending library. Requests to renew ILLs should be made at least 3 days prior to the due date by using the contact information on the yellow ILL book strap. Renewals are given at the discretion of the lending library and may not always be possible.
All ILL items are subject to immediate recall by the lending library. Patrons will be notified when items are recalled and given a new due date for those items. 

Overdues and Penalties

A $15.00 late fee will be charged per item once a bill has been issued (10 days past due) for overdue ILL items. This fine will not be waived even when the item has been returned. An additional minimum replacement fee of $75.00 will be charged for a lost ILL item. All fines assessed by the lending library, including those in excess of the $75.00 replacement fee and any damage fees, will be passed on to the patron. All borrowing privileges at Clark College Libraries will be suspended, except for course reserves, until all ILL fees have been paid.

Students: Students who do not respond after being notified regarding overdue ILL items will have overdue holds placed on their grades and transcripts with the college registration and advising offices according to Clark College Libraries Policy for unpaid library fines. Continued failure to respond to overdue and billing notices will result in collection agency referral.

College Employees: Library Director will notify appropriate supervisor if a college employee has overdues or lost Interlibrary Loan items and does not respond to library notices. Borrowing privileges will be restored when the patron has returned and paid all accrued charges regarding the Interlibrary Loan item. Restrictions may be imposed for repeated infractions by the Access Services Manager or the Library Director.


To borrow materials, patrons must present a valid Clark College Library card or valid Clark College ID. To get a Library Card, bring the requirements as noted below to the Check Out Desk. See also Borrower Limits. Read complete Borrowing Policy: Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual 321.010 BORROWING.


Valid Photo ID


Borrowing Agreement


Proof of Current Residence


Verification of Status


Current Clark Students, Staff, Faculty


Retired Clark Faculty/Staff





Current Clark Foundation Staff

 X  X    X  

Literacy Tutors

 X  X    X  

Community Patrons

 X  X  X
District 14

(proof required)


Orbis Cascade Summit Visitors

institutional ID
     X  X
standing at parent institution



Privacy of Circulation Records

  1. The circulation records of the library are confidential regardless of source of inquiry.

  2. Circulation records shall not be made available to anyone except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized by law.

  3. Upon receipt of such process, order or subpoena, consultation shall be made with the legal officer assigned to the library to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in good form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.

  4. If the process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, insistence shall be made that such defects be cured before any records are released. (The legal process requiring the production of circulation records shall ordinarily be in the form of subpoena duces tecum {bring your records}, requiring the librarian to attend court or the taking of his or her deposition and may require him to bring along certain designated circulation records.)

  5. Any threats or unauthorized demands, (i.e., those not supported by a process, order, or subpoena) concerning circulation records shall be reported to the Administration of Clark College for possible referral to the Assistant Attorney General.

  6. Any problems relating to the privacy of circulation records which are not provided for in the above five paragraphs are to be referred to the Library Director.

Adapted from the Washington Library Commission policy.


Room Scheduling Policies and Procedures

Small Group Study Rooms #209, #210, #213, #214 and #215

Cannell Library provides five study rooms for groups of three or more students to use on a first come, first serve basis. Social gatherings or music practice is not an acceptable use of these rooms.

Large Group Study Rooms #204 and #212

Students may reserve a large group study room with the understanding that the rooms are not intended to be used as a social meeting area for friends or club meetings. Approved topics are mutual class assignments and projects.

  • There must be at least 3 people in a group to reserve a room. If fewer than 3 people arrive for a meeting, the remaining person(s) must immediately leave the room and the reservation is cancelled.  
  • Groups can book a maximum of 2 hours daily with a maximum of 6 hours weekly combined total for both rooms, LIB 204 and LIB 212. Rooms may not be booked for less than 55 minutes. 
  • Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance when classes are in session. A group can book a room the same time every week as long as they sign up in person.
  • Sign-up sheets are located at the Check Out Desk on the first floor. Groups must legibly fill out a form listing the purpose of the meeting and the members in the group. Although a person can be the responsible person for more than one group, the members of each group must be substantially different.
  • Room reservations will not be taken over the phone or via email or online. Only verbal confirmation will be given at the time of sign-up.
  • Library staff may limit, override or cancel any booking.
  • The key will be checked out to any person who has signed the room request form. This person must present their library card or Clark College photo ID. All keys will be due 15 minutes before the library closes. 
  • If the person who has booked the room doesn’t show up to check out the key within 10 minutes of their sign-up time, the room will be considered available for another group.
  • Study rooms #204 and #212 are locked when not in use. A group must vacate the room and return the key immediately when their reserved time ends even if it isn’t booked by another group. 
  • Clean snacks and only closed drink containers will be permitted in these rooms, the same as in the rest of the library.  Groups cannot attach items or papers to walls.
  • Loud talking or shouting is not permitted. Only educational use of media is permitted.
  • Penalties for damages or policy violations will be assessed to the person who checks out the room key. However, other members of the group who violate Clark College policies or cause damage may also lose booking privileges and/or be referred for disciplinary action.


  • There is a $5/hour late fine to a maximum of $50 for late keys.
  • Replacement cost for missing or damaged keys or key rings is $50.
  • Charges for damages to the room or furnishings are the cost of repairs, replacements, parts, materials, and labor.

Room Capacity

  • The Large Group Study Room #204 can comfortably seat up to 12 students
  • Study Room #212 can accommodate approximately 15 students.

Questions or comments regarding scheduling policies for second floor study rooms should be discussed with the Access Services Manager or by calling 360-992-2152.

Library Instruction Lab #103

The Library Instruction Lab is reserved for librarians teaching instruction sessions. This is a smart classroom that has 14 computer workstations. Faculty who wish to schedule the Library Instruction Lab for library instruction should contact a Reference Librarian. 

Cannell Room #101

The Cannell Room is reserved for librarians as a classroom and for LelTFD (Libraries, elearning, Tutoring and Faculty Development) Unit activities.  This room has a smart podium and seating at tables.  Unit members who wish to schedule the Cannell Room should contact a Reference Librarian. 

Media Equipment Available in Library Study Rooms

  • DVD and videotape player on carts (usually located at the top of the West staircase outside Room 204). Remote controls can be checked out at the Check Out Desk on first floor.
  • White boards are available in all of the study rooms on the second floor; markers and erasers are available at the Check Out Desk on the first floor.
  • LCD projector available with a computer on a cart. Ask to schedule at the Check Out Desk on first floor.

Supplemental Services for Use in Library Rooms

Students may schedule the use of audiovisual and media equipment through their class instructor, at least 48 hours in advance.  Please contact Information Technology Services at 360-992-2425 for more information.


Statement of Purpose

Use of all library online resources (e-journals, databases, and e-books) is subject to copyright laws and contractual agreements. Violation of copyright law and/or terms of the agreements may result in the suspension of access to online resources for the entire Clark College community.

License Agreements

  • The use of library online resources is governed by license agreements negotiated between the library and the publishers/suppliers.
  • Virtually all of these licenses include terms which prohibit authorized users (currently enrolled students, faculty, staff and community patrons) from engaging in “excessive or systematic” downloading when using that resource.

Excessive/systematic Downloading

Examples of what publishers refer to as “excessive downloading”:

  • Continuously downloading articles one after another
  • Continuously downloading tables of contents, search results, citations, or output
  • Downloading entire issues or volumes of an e-journal
  • Downloading the entire content of an e-book or multimedia resource
  • Using robots, spiders, or other automated programs to download from online resources

Other License Violations

Other actions which would also violate license terms include:

  • Sharing passwords with unauthorized users
  • Redistributing documents or other content from online resources to unauthorized users
  • Posting documents or other content retrieved or downloaded from online resources to a listserv, a website, or an email list
  • Reselling journal text, output, search results, or other content in any form or medium
  • Redistributing content to non-subscribers or to non-subscribing institutions
  • Removing copyright, trademark and proprietary notices

Violation Consequences

Publishers monitor overall account activity and when they notice excessive downloading, they will immediately terminate the library’s access to their resource. The publishers notify the library of the problem and the library is required to investigate and notify the individual of their violation of the contract terms. Once resolved, the vendor is notified and the service is restored.

Individuals will be held accountable for their actions which may include review of the infraction by the Student Conduct Officer or the individual's supervisor. For detailed procedures contact the Dean of Libraries, eLearning, Tutoring, and Faculty Development.

(Adapted from Eastern Michigan University Responsible Use of Online Resources)

New Policy/Procedures (321.000 LIBRARY SERVICES) Approved by Executive Cabinet
                                                                                                                           August 12, 2014