College Locations

Directions to all college locations

  Main Campus  
Clark college main campus 1933 Ft. Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98663
Clark College's beautiful main campus is located on 101 acres in Vancouver's Central Park, just east of Interstate 5 and north of the Columbia River and Fort Vancouver.

  Columbia Tech Center  
Columbia Tech Center campus 18700 Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98683
In addition to offering classes for degree seekers, CTC is the home of Clark's new Cooking and Wine School, part of the college's Continuing Education program.  Clark College at Columbia Tech Center is located at 18700 SE Mill Plain Blvd.

  WSU Vancouver  
Clark College building at WSU Vancouver14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave., Vancouver, WA 98686
This 63,334 square foot, three-story building on the WSU Vancouver property provides additional classrooms, science laboratories, computer labs, and support space to accommodate growing enrollment and the desire to provide access to lower division courses for WSU Vancouver students.

 Columbia Bank Building  
Columbia Bank Building , housing Corporate and Continuing Education, downtown Vancouver 500 Broadway St., Suite 200, Vancouver, WA 98660
Economic & Community Development offices are located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, in the Columbia Bank Building. You will find corporate learning and personal enrichment classes and testing center on the second floor of this dynamic building, located on the corner of West 6th Street and Broadway.