Admissions Resources

When emailing, or sending information, make sure to include your full name, any previous names, and your ctcLink ID. 


To have an application sent or for information about how to apply, contact the Admissions Office at

Telephone: (360) 992-2107

Mail Stop: GHL 128

Health Occupation Advising

For advising questions or information regarding preliminary requirements, contact the Health Occupation Advising Office at

Telephone: (360) 992-2345

Mail Stop: GHL 108

Financial Aid

For questions related to program funding, loans, or scholoaships, contact the Financial Aid Department

Telephone: (360) 992-2153

Mail Stop: GHL 101

Selective Admission Evaluations

If you have already applied and submitted the $50.00 application fee and want to check on the status of your application, contact the Selective Admission Credentials Evaluation Office at

Telephone: (360) 992-2489

Mail Stop: GHL 216