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PTK - Phi Theta Kappa Connect 

PTKConnect is a search tool for connecting you with scholarships, colleges and careers. You can choose your favorite colleges, research scholarships, and plan your career all in one place. Find the next step on your journey. 


W.O.I.S. (Washington Occupational Information Systems)

This resource allows you to search and retrieve detailed information about programs, majors, and transfer schools in Washington State. There is also information about careers in Washington including occupations, common tasks and activities, working conditions, physical demands, educational requirements, training, and employment outlook. Includes information on programs of study, the occupations they are linked to, and the schools that offer them. See the Career Services, Search Schools and Colleges page for log-in instructions.

C.I.S. (Oregon Career Information System)

CIS can help you find information for specific occupations you are interested in. The website shows wage information, job outlook, specific work activities, and necessary education for certain jobs. CIS also contains skill assessments to connect you with careers that best suit you. See the Career Services, Search Schools and Colleges page for log-in instructions.