Fall Choral Festival Information
The Clark College Music Department hosts the 8th Annual Clark College Fall Choral
Festival on Friday, November 17, 2023. The festival is for middle school and high
school chamber and concert choirs.
Designed to provide middle and high school choral groups with the finest in a local
festival experience, the Clark College Fall Choral Festival will offer expert clinicians,
creating an atmosphere of learning and promoting the choral arts. It is a unique opportunity
to have both Chamber/Concert Choirs performing on the same day.
The day is devoted to chamber and concert choirs. Each choir will have a 20 minute
performance time (includes getting on and off stage) followed by a 20 minute clinic
time. There will be three judges; each judge will rotate between clinicing and writing
The Clark College Concert Choir and Treble Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Jacob Funk will perform at the end of the sessions. The Clark College Music Department currently offers a Music Transfer Degree (MRP DTA) with a rigorous music theory and ear-training curriculum has a proven track record and many of our students have successfully tested out of these requirements at four-year music programs throughout the nation. But at the heart of the Clark College Music Department are our award winning music ensembles!
Here is the current registration form. Complete the information and return it electronically to sjwilliams@clark.edu by no later than October 1, 2023. Your performance time(s) will not be scheduled
or confirmed until your check or P.O. is received. Registrations will be scheduled
in the order in which they are received.
The entry fee is $200.00 for one group from a single school or a total of $350.00
if a school enters two groups. Schools wishing to bring more than two groups will
pay $150.00 for any additional groups. Schools registering after Oct. 1 will have
a late registration fee added of $50.00 per group .
The vision of the Clark College Choral Festival intends to meet three goals:
- To promote the ideals of choral music, choral music education, and choral music performance to the Clark College community, the participating high schools, and the local community.
- To provide learning and motivational opportunities for all participating high school choral music students and their directors early in the school year and prior to the traditional festival season.
- To enhance the education of the students of Clark College by providing the opportunity to experience the administrative and organizational skills required to produce and event of this magnitude.