Title IX Reporting Options

You may choose one, several, or none of the following reporting options.

Online Report

Reports can be made online, Reports received will be investigated to the extent possible, determining subsequent action.

Report an incident of sex discrimination or sexual harassment

Title IX Coordinator

Reports can be made to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinators.  Reports received will be investigated to the extent possible, determining subsequent action.

Security Department

Reports will be shared with the Title IX Coordinator and relevant College administrators and investigated to the extent possible, determining subsequent action.

Student Affairs – Student Care/Community Standards

If the person who caused the harm is a student, you may request that action be taken through the College student conduct process.

Vancouver Police

If you would like to make a police report immediately following an assault, dial 911.

Is it my responsibility as an employee to report an incident of sexual violence?

Title IX promotes equal opportunity by providing that no person may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Clark College must respond promptly and effectively to sexual harassment, including sexual violence, that creates a hostile environment.

When responsible employees know about possible sexual harassment or sexual violence involving Clark College students or Clark College employees, Clark College employees must report it to the Title IX coordinator so that Clark College can take action to support the survivor and prevent future similar actions. It is not your role to try to determine if the situation falls under Title IX; rather, report it and allow the Title IX team to review.

At Clark College, all faculty, staff (except confidential support professionals such as counselors and health care professionals) are responsible employees and must promptly report sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, to the Title IX Coordinator. Responsible employees must report known or suspected sexual misconduct involving students or Clark College employees, whether or not they witnessed the conduct directly or learned about it from a survivor or another source."     (adapted from Western Washington University)

What to expect if you report

If you decide to report to campus officials, you can expect the following:

Privacy Protection

Your privacy will be protected to the greatest extent possible. Information may be shared with certain College professionals to ensure safety and/or provide accommodations.

Support and Safety Accommodations

Accommodations including: no contact orders, modifications to academic or work schedules, etc. will be offered to prevent further contact between you and the person who harmed you.

No Retaliation

Any attempt to intimidate, threaten retaliation, or otherwise attempt to prevent the reporting of an incident – or participation in a conduct process – is prohibited. Anyone who is intimidated or threatened in any way should report concerns to the Title IX Coordinator or the Security Department.

Interviews Conducted

To gather information about the incident, individual interviews will be conducted with you, the person who harmed you, and any identified witnesses.

Support Person Available

Both parties involved have the right to have a support person present during the interviews.

Informed of Decisions

Both parties will be informed of the decisions and outcome of any investigation/disciplinary hearing process.


More information and options regarding this topic can be found on the Title IX page.