Social Equity

Facilitate student learning by providing the conditions that improve educational outcomes and eliminate systemic disparities among all groups.



Indicators of Achievement

SE2. Demonstrate improved intercultural competency among employees and students through comprehensive professional development and curricular transformation. 

Develop Power, Privilege, and Inequity (PPI) training for employees with outcomes focusing on: the Social Construction of Race and other identities, institutional imposition of inequity based on those identities, the impact of identity on social outcomes, tools for overcoming institutional biases, and implicit bias training. The training will be assessed based on learning outcomes on PPI training. 

Assess transfer AA to establish current outcomes for student ability to analyze patterns of power, privilege, and inequity.

Review the College's four core multicultural events to ensure that the offerings are inclusive and sufficiently broad to support the College's Social Equity Plan.

100% of employee engage in PPI Professional Development.

85% of students agree they know how to evaluate the influence of PPI within the context of their educational program.

100% of degrees have a PPI learning outcome.

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2018-2019 Strategies