
Click on one of the following to jump to the section

I. Glossary of Assessment Terms

II. Assessment 101 Workshop Materials

III. OATmeals

IV. Aligning/Mapping Outcomes

V. Overview of Outcomes Assessment

VI. Suggestions for Further Reading

VII. Assessment Handbooks

VIII. Rubrics

IX. ePortfolios

X. Outcomes Assessment in Higher Ed (links to external websites)

XI. Outcomes Assessment Committee (OAC)


Glossary of Assessment Terms


The Future of Outcomes Assessment Nationally & Locally


Assessment 101 Workshops

Defining Outcomes Assessment

Measures and Methods

Writing Outcomes

Designing Valid Assessments

Classroom Assessment Techniques

Creating a Comprehensive Assessment Plan

Planning and Implementing Your Assessment Project

Evidence & Backwards Course Design


  • For additional resources, please visit the rubrics section of this website
Portfolios for Learning & Assessment (includes links to example ePortfolios)



An Introduction to the Outcomes Assessment Toolbox (OAT)


Curriculum & Outcomes Mapping

For Mapping a Course to a Program Outcome

For Mapping a Course Outcome to a Program Outcome


External Resources

The following are a few of our favorite resources from external institutions and publications.  Outcomes assessment is practiced at colleges everywhere. Keep in mind as you peruse these resources that outcomes assessment comes in many shapes and sizes, as different institutions have different policies, cultures, and accreditation agencies.  For example, vocabularies around outcomes assessment often differ slightly from college to college. (Check out Clark’s own Glossary.)


Overview of Outcomes Assessment

Assessment Quickies (California State University, Long Beach)

What is Good Assessment? (Middle States Commission on Higher Education)


Suggestions for Further Reading

Assessment Changes Everything (Modern Language Association)

How Can Assessment Work for Us? (Academe)

Learning and Assessment: Trends in Undergraduate Education (Hart Research Associates)

Levels of Assessment: From the Student to the Institution (Association of American Colleges and Universities)

Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula (Robert M. Diamond) Textbooks available in the TLC


Assessment Handbooks

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Handbook (Montgomery College)

Handbook for Program Review &Asssessment of Student Learning (Western Washington University)



Types of Rubrics (DePaul University)

Understanding Rubrics (Harvard University)

Rubric Maker Tools (Teachnology, Inc.)

Rubistar (ALTEC at University of Kansas)

Sample Rubrics (Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education)

Assessing the Quality of Program Learning Outcomes Rubric (The Western Association of Schools and Colleges)

Examples of Rubrics Used in Program Outcomes Assessment (Valencia College)

VALUE rubrics (Association of American Colleges and Universities)

  • Developed by teams of faculty experts representing colleges and universities across the United States through a process that examined many existing campus rubrics and related documents for each learning outcome and incorporated additional feedback from faculty.


Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education

National Institute for Learning Outcomes and Assessment (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment (NC State University)

Strategic Planning and Assessment (University of Hawaii, Manoa)

Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment (Western Washington University)

Assessment Teaching and Learning (ATL) (Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges)

Learning Outcomes and Assessment (Valencia College)