OA Professional Development / Events
Designing & Embedding AssessmentsOctober 15th2:30-3:30GHL 205Is extra assessment work making you crazy? Why not embed assessments into your program curriculum? This is ideal, as nothing new needs to be developed or added; students and teachers are already doing this as part of the coursework. This workshop will teach you to design or identify embedded assignments that can be used to measure multiple program outcomes or span multiple programs. Learn to make assessment manageable and meaningful within your program! To register for this training, contact: Outcomes@clark.edu
Assessing the Transfer and General Education Learning Outcomes
October 301:00 – 2:00PUB 258BThis year, all program outcomes for the AA degree need to be assessed. How is this program-level assessment different from—and similar to—Outcomes Assessment we’ve been performing in our courses? What is the experimental design for program-level assessment, and what is our research hypothesis? Find out how program-level assessment fits in with the assessment work you are doing already. To register for this training, contact: Outcomes@clark.edu