650.000 - Faculty and Staff Development and Training Program

The College shall develop, fund, and implement a development and training program for faculty, classified, and exempt employees to enhance their effectiveness in fulfilling their roles, duties and responsibilities including the quality of instruction and other services to students, and to provide opportunity for personal growth. The Board of Trustees delegates to the president or designee the responsibility to administer the development program in an equitable manner and in accordance with negotiated agreements.


Faculty are encouraged to participate in activities designed to foster personal and professional development.  The primary aim of development is to enhance the quality of instruction and other services to students.

Faculty development funds are administered by the instructional deans. See the CC/AHE Agreement for application procedures and other details.

Approval and Reimbursement

Requests that involve use of College funds or time must be routed through the appropriate division chair or other supervisor, the vice president or president responsible for approval of funding and release time, and the travel coordinator for van approval or reservations. Out-of-state and out-of-country travel requires the approval of the president.

Funds from the following sources have the travel approvals designated:

  1. Division or department budget (chair, director or other supervisor and vice president, president or designee).

  2. Federal vocational grant (Office of Instruction).

  3. Institutional in-service and professional development associate vice president of human resources or instructional dean, as applicable.

  4. Special project or program grant from federal, state, foundation, or institution (specified director, coordinator, and vice president, or president).

Approval Guidelines

Because only a limited amount of funds are available for faculty development (even when specifically identified in advance in grants or programs), the approval will be based on the amount of funds available, the distribution of these funds among divisions and departments, the program requirements, the value to the College and the appropriateness of the request in relation to the following guidelines:

  1. Can be provided from available funds.

  2. Is a requirement of a grant, program, or College directive.

  3. Is needed or required to conduct College-related business.

  4. Is a professional development or in-service activity that will result in a positive contribution to the individual and to the College.

  5. The employee requesting travel funds is an officer in an organization or a speaker at a conference which would provide benefit to the College.

  6. Is as specified otherwise by the procedures of a particular grant.

Requests that are not usually approved are those that:

  1. Exceed the amount of funds available.

  2. Provide basic training or supplementary training for faculty who have been employed on the basis of their having had this training previously.

  3. Are for travel to business sessions of professional organizations (unless required by the College or unless it can be determined that the meeting is primarily for in-service training); personal membership and payment of fees and dues are normally personal obligations of faculty.

  4. Would result in inadequate job coverage.


Staff development funds for classified and administrative/exempt employees are administered by the Human Resources.

Since staff development funds are limited, it may not be possible to fund all requests.  Ordinarily, no more than one staff development request per employee will be approved for staff development funds each year.  Following are the general guidelines used for approving staff development requests:

  1. Retraining - Administrative Procedure 650.010 states that, "the College may provide release time for training to make employees more effective in their present position and to prepare them to move to new assignments."

    Funds may also be used to support activities for approved retraining purposes.

  2. Consultants Hired for Presentations to Large Groups of College Employees - Often it is cost effective to contract with an outside consultant or trainer to do workshops on campus for College employees. The resulting cost per employee is low in relation to sending staff members elsewhere for the same training.

  3. Tuition for Clark College Corporate and Continuing Education Classes - Corporate and Continuing Education may offer classes to College employees at a discount.

  4. Conferences and Workshops

    a. In-state conferences and workshops are generally less expensive than those held out-of-state. It is often possible to divide the costs between several budgets in order to stretch staff development dollars.

    b. Out-of-state conferences and workshops are low priority for staff development dollars unless the employee is a presenter or has some significant involvement in the program. When appropriate, expenses may be shared among the staff development budget, department budgets, and vocational funds.

  5. Development or Training Emphasis - A goal or theme for staff development may be established for each year. Requests for activities that fit with the theme will receive priority for funding.


The purpose of the Employee Development and Training Program is to provide professional development and personal growth opportunities for classified, exempt, and administrative personnel. This program will identify individual and group training needs and provide staff development opportunities which will enhance the quality of service to students and the College.

The College may provide release time for training to make employees more effective in their current positions and to prepare them to move to new assignments.

Administrative Responsibilities

Direct line administrative staff are responsible for the following:

  1. Identifying current and/or future training needs, including:

    a. Functional training, such as accounting, computer skills, office administration, and other job skills.

    b. Professional/technical training.

    c. Management and organizational development.

    d. Safety.

  2. Identifying available training resources such as budget, facilities, equipment, and release time.

  3. Authorizing release time consistent with budgeted resources for classified, exempt, and administrative personnel to plan and to participate in training programs and classes. Release time may be authorized to assist employees in improving their professional, skill development.

  4. Reviewing annual Performance Evaluations to identify training needs.

Associate Vice President of Human Resources

The associate vice president of human resources is the training officer and, as such, is responsible for:

  1. Working with administrative staff to identify training needs and opportunities.

  2. Promoting the utilization of training to broaden diversity among classified, exempt, and administrative staff and to assist employees in gaining an understanding of and support workplace diversity issues.

  3. Developing a training program for employees whose disabilities prevent them from performing satisfactorily in their present positions.

  4. Monitoring and ensuring institution-wide compliance of training programs.

  5. Identifying, providing and reviewing resources for training activities for classified, exempt, and administrative personnel.

  6. Completing annual training reports and plans as stipulated in applicable WAC rules.

  7. Monitoring budget and approving employee development expenditures.

Immediate Supervisor Responsibilities

As resources allow, the immediate supervisor is responsible for:

  1. Reviewing individual employee training needs and progress.

  2. Providing training for employees to qualify them for other opportunities within the College.

  3. Providing employees with training to meet requirements resulting from program or technology changes.

  4. Facilitating procedural training, such as affirmative action, labor relations, and safety.

  5. Providing training for departmental or campus orientation and employee motivation. Ensuring that individual employees receive new employee, departmental, and campus orientation.

Employee Responsibilities

Employees are responsible for:

  1. Notifying immediate supervisor of their desire to be included in training opportunities and their job-related personal goals and objectives.

  2. Ensuring that the College is aware of their educational and technical backgrounds.

  3. Enlisting the assistance of the immediate supervisor to determine how their individual/personal goals relate to institutional goals.

  4. Ensuring that their present work record is such that they would be considered for promotional opportunity.

  5. Effectively utilizing and implementing training opportunities.

Approval Guidelines

Because only a limited amount of funds are available for employee development, approval for use of funds will be based on the appropriateness of the request for training/development in relation to one or a combination of the following guidelines:

  1. Activity can be provided from available funds.

  2. Activity relates to an identified need or goal.

  3. Training is required to perform College job duties and/or to conduct College-related business.

  4. Training is required for the health/safety of an individual employee or overall College community.

  5. Activity or training is considered professional development that will result in a positive contribution and overall value to the individual and the College.

  6. Activity or training relates directly to the College’s mission, vision and values.

Approval Process

The associate vice president of human resources is responsible for approving requests for employee development. Requests for funds may be submitted to the associate vice president of human resources by the employee, supervisor, or department; supervisor approval must be obtained prior to requesting funds.  The request may be submitted by memo or through e-mail and should include:

  1. Description of the training/development activity.

  2. Place and date of activity.

  3. How the request relates to the approval guidelines.

  4. Funds requested; also identify other sources of funds that will be utilized.

The employee and/or department is normally responsible for making arrangements and submitting appropriate paperwork such as travel requests, invoice vouchers, etc.

Employees and/or supervisors are encouraged to provide feedback to the associate vice president of human resources regarding the quality and effectiveness of the training for reporting purposes and use in referring other employees to training. In some cases, participants may be requested to submit a written report on training activities.

Group Training

In addition to individual training opportunities, staff development funds will be made available for group training for departments, supervisory training, and institution-wide training sessions. Approval guidelines will be applied to both group and individual training efforts.

For further information regarding Employee Development and Training Advisory Committee duties, responsibilities and procedures, refer to Section 800.000, Committees and Organizations.


Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) provide forums for employees to gather and share ideas about matters that affect their professional development and work at Clark College. Clark College recognizes that such Employee Resource Groups foster employee development; contribute to the College’s commitment to social equity, while challenging systems of power, privilege and inequities. In addition, they strengthen networking and cohesiveness across the agency, and promote career and professional development. Employee Resource Groups are an important resource to the College in other ways, as well. They provide important feedback to management and assist with efforts to attract and retain highly qualified candidates for employment at Clark College.

Because of the benefits to the workplace and contribution to the College’s commitment to social equity, Employee Resource Groups are welcomed and will be provided access to the resources listed in this policy.

Formation and Organization

Employee Resource Groups are employee-formed and employee-led. Employee Resource Groups must:

  1. Be formed around a shared characteristic or common interest that can positively affect professional development or retention. Examples include, but are not limited to, national origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, being a working parent, veteran status, or caring for aging family members while working.

  2. Be open to all College non-student employees and non-student volunteers. As required by state and federal law and College policy, Employee Resource Groups may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, veteran’s status, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.
  3. Adhere to all College policies. http://www.clark.edu/about/governance/policies-procedures/index.php.

  4. Be composed of only College non-student employees and non-student volunteers. Guest speakers may be invited to Employee Resource Group meetings.

  5. As required by the Executive Ethics Act, Employee Resource Groups may not use College resources to support or oppose any ballot proposition or candidate for public office. Additionally, Employee Resource Groups may not be formed to promote or benefit any private company or organization.

  6. Employees interested in forming an Employee Resource Group should complete an Employee Resource Group Application located on ClarkNet (https://clarknet.clark.edu/forms.php#hr). The application is then submitted to the Vice President of Human Resources & Compliance for preliminary approval based on the ERG guidelines and criteria. Once a request has been preliminarily approved, it is then moved on to the Social Equity Council, which will make a final recommendation to Executive Cabinet. Employees must articulate how the group’s formation relates to professional development and retention. If Executive Cabinet approves, the group will be welcomed as an Employee Resource Group and bound by College policies and use of College resources as listed in this document.

College Resources Available to Employee Resource Groups

Some group members will informally mentor others, enhancing employee professional development and contributing to College career success. Many will also provide informal training at Employee Resource Group meetings or, more formally, will work with Human Resources or the Teaching and Learning Center to participate in or offer more formal agency training. Employee Resource Groups are encouraged to communicate suggestions for improvements in College policy or practices to management through the Councils (i.e., Social Equity, Economic Vitality, etc.) or by contacting a member of the Executive Cabinet or other manager. Employee Resource Group members may also be asked by College management or Recruitment staff to help reach particular audiences or assist in expanding the applicant pool during employee recruitment activities.

Employee Resource Groups are welcomed, but not supervised, by the College. Their meetings and other efforts positively affect the work environment and contribute to College core values and strategic planning goals, including helping to recruit and retain a high quality, highly skilled workforce (providing employees with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to be successful, and promoting social equity, inclusiveness and cultural competence across the organization.

The College has determined that Employee Resource Group meetings and informal mentoring and training activities enhance employee professional development, contribute to one’s professional role in the College, and are reasonably related to a number of other official College purposes. In accordance with State Ethics rules, Employee Resource Groups are authorized to make use of the following state resources for the listed purposes:

Physical Space:

  1. College shared space, including conference and break rooms may be used for group meetings on a space available basis. Because shared space is limited and priority for use must be given to the performance of College business, it is possible that a scheduled Employee Resource Groups meeting will be bumped when a room is necessary for College business.

  2. Other college space (generally office space or cubicles) may be used when providing mentoring.

Employee Time:

  1. Meetings, informal mentoring and training may occur during regular working hours and employees may be granted up to 2 hours per month to participate in ERG events or meetings. Time allotted for participation can be adjusted per supervisor’s approval on a case-by-case basis.

  2. Employees preparing meeting agenda’s and/or training materials may use work time to prepare.

  3. Participation in Employee Resource Group activities may not interfere with the performance of the employee’s regularly assigned duties. Employees who are overtime-eligible are reminded that any time spent engaged in College-sponsored activities constitutes work time. Such work, like all assigned work performed by overtime eligible employees, is subject to requirements of the College Overtime rules.

  4. While supervisor approval is not required to join an Employee Resource Group, employees should make their supervisors aware of their participation in an ERG. An employee’s participation should not interfere with performance of the employee’s assigned work. Where an employee’s performance is affected by participation, supervisors may limit use of work time on Employee Resource Group activities in order to improve performance.

Computer, Electronic Mail, and Telephones:

  1. College computers may be used to prepare meeting agenda and/or training materials.

  2. Email and phones may be used to hold meetings by teleconference, convey information about upcoming meetings, communicate with one another between meetings, communicate with speakers or potential speakers, and provide advice and mentoring to others.

The College anticipates that some Employee Resource Groups and/or Employee Resource Group members will ask to participate, or be invited to participate, in the development of College-sponsored training programs and in College outreach and recruitment. When Employee Resource Group members are involved in such College management approved training or recruitment and outreach they are performing College assigned work. As such, they will be able to make use of the same resources provided any employee performing the assigned tasks.



The College and Management will make resources available for Employee Resource Group use as outlined in this policy.

Non-Student Employees wishing to form an Employee Resource Group must present their request, which must articulate how the proposed group enhances professional development, consistent with policy guidelines on formation and organization, to the Vice President of Human Resources for submission to the Social Equity Council, and then to Executive Cabinet.

Non-Student Employees and Non-Student volunteers participating in Employee Resource Groups must comply with all College policies. http://www.clark.edu/about/governance/policies-procedures/index.php

Non-Student Employees and Non-Student volunteers participating in Employee Resource Group activities must ensure that this participation does not interfere with their regular work assignments.

Overtime eligible employees must ensure that time spent participating in formal, College-sponsored activities is performed in accordance with the College Overtime rules.

Supervisors are responsible to ensure that a supervisee’s participation in Employee Resource Group meetings and activities does not interfere with the performance of that individual’s regularly assigned duties.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
June 20, 2017


To advance the college’s commitment to equity and advancing social justice, and to remain in compliance with SB5227, all college employees will be required to complete an annual anti-racist training program. The course must be approved in advance by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The training program includes the following requirements:

One (1) 2-hour Power, Privilege and Inequity (PPI) trainings presented by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to be completed annually. Trainings are generally offered August through May each year. This requirement will be due June 30th.

One (1) 1-hour online training module to be completed within 30 days of hire.

One (1) 2-hour Equitable Decision-Making workshop, to be completed every 2 years.

Overtime eligible employees must take the training during regularly paid time.

PPI trainings will be anti-racist and will be centered around race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, citizenship status, religion, or other intersections AND participants should learn three or more of the following outcomes: 

  • Engage in dialogue around topics of power, privilege and inequity (including race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, citizenship status, religion or other intersections)
  • Identify institutional racism and systemic inequities and learn how to respond appropriately to these systems 
  • Create community around multiple (intersectional) identities
  • Examine other’s perspectives and stories from a social justice lens
  • Identify and create strategies or tools to challenge and interrupt systemic oppression 
  • Strategies to empower participants to apply new knowledge of power, privilege and inequity concepts to everyday life
  • Recognize the intersectionality of identities (self and others) in relation to systems of power, privilege and inequity
  • Increase awareness of social equity, privilege and structural racism

Employees are expected to adhere to this policy as intended, using and applying their training to advance the college’s social equity goals and strategic plan. Employees’ progress toward goals will be documented in their Performance Development Plans Expectations and Evaluations.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
April 20, 2021

Revised/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
March 21, 2023