Student Success Coaches

graphic of services: Career Services, Faculty, Paying for College, Academic Help, Advising and Life Resources, arranged in a circle surrounding Success Coaches in the middle.

How your Success Coach will help you:

  • Get to know you as a student and a person
  • Be by your side along your academic journey, from start to finish, helping you navigate higher education
  • Work together with you to access academic supports and life resources services
  • Provide regular, consistent 1:1 coaching that supports both your academic and personal success
  • Equip you in developing skills or connect you to skills workshops and other resources

What your Coaching Session will look like: 

  • Free
  • Confidential
  • Private (Zoom or private office)
  • 1:1 (not in a group setting)
  • Arranged around your schedule
  • Unlimited number of sessions
  • Specialized in Areas of Study (by request)
  • Include options for language/ASL interpretation (coming soon) 

Schedule an Individual Appointment

Student Success Coaches are here to help you.

We partner with you, through your entire time at Clark College. 

Schedule  Your  Session

Success Coaching ZOOM Drop-in

Visit here for quick coaching questions

Hours: Friday 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Student Success Coaching on ZOOM



Meet Our Coaches

Headshot of Katia Quintero, a young woman with curly dark hair wearing a blouse and blazer with a generous smile.

Katia Quintero

Email to connect with Katia Quintero

Science, Technology and Engineering Area of Study Focus

I have worked with students from K-12 through college level. My work with students has mostly been focused on those that are systemically underrepresented and struggling socio-economically. I enjoy meeting students that come from non-traditional backgrounds and helping them discover their path to higher education. Being a first-generation college student myself, I am continuously inspired to show students the power and value of an education.

I can help you navigate the college system as well as improve your academic journey inside and outside the classroom through faculty and staff communication, resource mediation, departmental referrals, and academic skills acquisition and practice. I am also Bilingual in Spanish and can help support language barriers preventing access to institutional programs and resources.

Why Success Coaching matters:

College is an exciting time but can also be a challenge to navigate whether you are a pioneer in your family or a seasoned college student. Success coaching in college opens doors to opportunities that go beyond development in the classroom. When students find the level of partnership that success coaching offers it increases their chances of success. Having a well-rounded support system will make all the difference!

Why your success is important to me:

In both my immediate and extended families, I was the first person to get an education beyond high school. I didn’t have much guidance from my families outside of positive thoughts and encouragement. I realized very quickly that I was on my own on campus. This soon became a fear factor for me as I was unknowingly clearing the path to college for those after me in the family. I was afraid to fail and prove the stereotypes of my culture to be right. At the time, I was enrolled in a dual credit earning program at my local community college where I was simultaneously earning an Adult High School diploma and an Associate degree transfer. It was in this program that I was introduced to student success coaching. Jane is her name, and she guided me through three years of community college education. With my coach, I was able to learn and pursue things that I did not have any reference for at home or in my own community. My coach connected me to different departments and people across campus which ultimately led me to utilize all this knowledge throughout my entire college journey, especially when the time to transfer to Portland State University came. I say it now and probably forever, had I not experienced Jane as my success coach during my novice years in college, I would not have been as confident to keep pushing through the barriers and challenges that come with being a first-generation student of color. My goal for students at Clark is to have a similar experience with success coaching. Leading them to overcome challenges, all while building confidence and community that will eventually catapult them to their version of success!

DJ Scates headshot. DJ is smiling and making eye contact. DJ is wearing a grey shirt with buttons. DJ has long, wavy brown hair and a large brown beard. There are trees in the background.

DJ Scates

Email to connect with DJ Scates

Business & Entrepeneurship, Public Service, Society, and Education Areas of Study Focus

I returned to college as an adult learner right here at Clark in 2019. I spent one quarter as a new student, and then COVID hit. I had to change with it or get left behind. I was able to create a team of supporters dedicated to my success. With these wonderful people's help, I achieved my Associates in Health Information Management and my Bachelors in Management. I began working as a Student Ambassador, developing a passion for helping my fellow students. I continued as a program coordinator for Clark College at Larch Correction Facility, where I learned how to help students with various obstacles. Most recently, I worked as the Support Supervisor for the Tenure Department, building close personal relationships with many of the Clark College faculty. Now, I bring my experience and connections to Success Coaching to help all students achieve their educational dreams.

Why Success Coaching matters:

Every student is individual and represents a unique intersection of identities with difficulties and achievements. Having a coach who takes time to understand your singular experience provides support specific to your situation.

Why your success is important to me:

During my time at Clark, I have experienced challenges and seen other students struggle. I know what it means to have someone in your corner who cares about you and truly wants to help you succeed. I now have the privilege of being here to support your journey as mine was supported. Nothing brings me greater joy than helping another student find their way on the grand journey of education.


Lana Strickland Headshot features a middle aged woman with short hair and glasses, smiling in an inviting way with direct eye contact wearing a crew neck black shirt.

Lana Strickland

Email to connect with Lana Strickland

Health Care, Creative and Communication Arts, and Advanced Manufacturing Areas of Study Focus

As an adult immigrant to the US, I am deeply grateful to the many mentors who generously gave their time and guidance, helping me navigate my college studies, career, and life in a new country. With their encouragement and support, I pursued a career in education, teaching at community colleges with a focus on academic programs that support underserved students. This experience ignited my passion for mentoring and coaching students. I feel fortunate to be at Clark doing what I love, supporting students to learn and grow as successful individuals. I am dedicated to learning about the life experiences of the students I coach here and helping you navigate your academic and personal journey, so you can reach your maximum potential and achieve your goals!

Why Success Coaching matters:

As you transition to college life and your career path, you bring with you unique experiences, personal strengths, and challenges. Success coaching helps you develop self-awareness and the skills needed to maximize your strengths and overcome your challenges. Working one-on-one with a coach will help you create a personalized success plan--whether it is for you to stay focused on your tasks at hand, set and achieve goals, or practice success habits.

Why your success is important to me:

College opens many doors for you, but it also requires focus and hard work, which can pose challenges for many. I am committed to being your support throughout your journey at Clark College, helping you successfully navigate the college life and beyond with the resources we offer. It is my passion to help you develop essential life and academic skills that will empower you to build a fulfilling and successful future.