Volunteer Peer Note Taking Policy

Disability Access Center (DAC) will assist in the coordination of volunteer peer note takers for students with a documented disability who have been approved for this academic adjustment by the DAC Manager. The following identifies the responsibilities of the student and DAC if the student chooses to have DAC involved in the peer note taking process.


1. Student must meet with the professor to discuss recruitment of a volunteer peer note taker (unless other arrangements have been made).

2. Student must attend class in order to receive notes. Notes will not be taken when the student is absent, unless advance arrangements have been made with the DAC Office.

3. Student will contact DAC immediately if there are problems locating a volunteer peer note taker or if there are any problems with the notes.

Responsibilities—Disability Access Center

1. DAC will send a letter to the student outlining the student's approved academic adjustments.

2. DAC will provide volunteer peer note taking packet(s) and additional NCR paper to the ; student.

3. DAC may arrange to photocopy notes if NCR paper is not acceptable.


The above responsibilities have been explained to me, and I understand my responsibilities.

Student's Signature ________________________________________________________

Print Name _________________________________

Date: _____ / _____ / _____