Educational Materials in Large Print Policy


1. Student should give DAC a minimum of six weeks notice to arrange for educational materials in large print.

2. Student should utilize Priority Registration.

3. Student must purchase any textbook or educational materials that are to be enlarged in the DAC Office.

4. Student will pick up large print copies from the DAC Office in a timely manner. If large print copies are not picked up in a timely manner, services may be suspended until the student meets with the DAC Program Manager.

5. Student will return all large print copies to the DAC Office immediately upon the completion of the quarter. If the large print copies are not returned and other arrangements have not been approved, a hold will be placed on his or her records.

Responsibilities—Disability Access Center (DAC)

1. DAC will send a letter to the student outlining the student's approved academic adjustments.

2. DAC will make every effort to provide the student with all requested educational materials in
    large print in a timely manner. In the event notice is not given in a timely manner, DAC will
    attempt to provide the student with the requested educational materials in large print on an
    as needed basis.

3. DAC will inform the student when large print copies are ready to be picked up.


The above responsibilities have been explained to me, and I understand my responsibilities.

Student's Signature ________________________________________________________

Print Name ____________________________________

Date: _____ / _____ / _____