Green Clark
Clark College is committed to responsible stewardship of our environment. We are continually creating new strategies and opportunities to make Clark a greener place to work and study. At Clark, you’ll find students and faculty discussing issues about consumption and waste brought up by the college’s current Common Read text, Garbology. You can purchase a reusable water bottle in our Bookstore and refill it at bottle-filling stations located conveniently around the main campus and at our CTC facility. You can check out the ever-changing roster of environmentally themed events hosted by the college, from recycling drives to guest lectures. Check out some of the links and resources below to learn more about how you can become a Green Penguin.
Helpful Links
Common Read home page Learn more about Garbology, the book being used by faculty and staff to develop a collegewide conversation about consumption and waste.
Environmental Club Join your fellow Penguins in great activities like beach cleanups, invasive weed pulls, tree plantings, and more.
Garbology discussion site (students) A student-created and -run WordPress site devoted to discussing Clark's current Common Read and its themes.
Garbology discussion site (faculty) Share thoughts and plans with your fellow faculty and staff through this interactive blog. WordPress login required to comment or post.
2015-20 Strategic Plan See how the concept of “sustainability” is being incorporated into Clark’s vision for the next five years.
Environmental Health and Safety Clark’s EHS office offers lots of tips and resources for environmentally responsible practices for employees and students, both while at Clark and at home.
Green Clark Events