410.000 - Travel and Transportation
The College shall provide its employees opportunities to travel on official business at College expense. The Board delegates to the president or designee the responsibility to develop and implement travel procedures in accordance with state regulations
After approval through established internal procedures, the College will normally reimburse transportation costs within guidelines established by the State of Washington. All absences away from campus for business reasons, except emergencies, must be approved in advance on a Travel Request Authorization by the supervisor and the appropriate administrator. Travel out of the contiguous United States including Canada and Mexico must be approved in advance by the president.
Any employee traveling off campus without travel authorization approved in advance may be held personally responsible for expenses incurred. Any changes that involve liability to the College (names added or changed, additional funding, etc.) must be resubmitted by the department to the appropriate administrator for signature prior to departure. Any changes that involve increasing the total dollar amount of the Travel Request Authorization by ten percent of the original cost must be resubmitted by the department to the appropriate administrator for signature prior to departure.
Travelers may request 100 percent per diem advance. Repayment of any unexpended portion of this travel advance must be made within guidelines established by the State of Washington. The repayment is to be made by personal check payable to Clark College and accompanied by a properly completed Travel Expense Voucher. The Travel Expense Voucher and check need to be submitted to the travel coordinator. Regulations require that if repayment is not submitted within established guidelines, interest at the rate of ten percent per annum on the unexpended portion will be collected.
A corporate travel charge card is available to individual employees who frequently
travel on College business. The card is issued to an individual employee and is to
be used for College travel expenses only.
Current rates of travel reimbursement are available from Purchasing Services the College Intranet and/or department secretaries. Meal and lodging rates and rules
for reimbursement are changed frequently by the state. Travel Request Authorization
and Travel Expense Voucher forms are available on the College Intranet or from Purchasing
Group Travel. For activities requiring an Authorized Advisor, the following ratios
of Authorized Advisors are required for single day trips (trips not requiring an overnight
stay): For credit courses - the course enrollment size is the appropriate ratio; for
non-credit courses or activities - a minimum of one (1) Authorized Advisor per up
to every 30 students. For credit and non-credit courses or activities that involve
an overnight stay - a minimum of one (1) Authorized Advisor per up to every 15 students
is required.
Additional travel information is available from the travel coordinator and/or the
College Intranet.
For information on driver eligibility and requirements, as well as the authorization and approval process for operating a College vehicle, please see Driver’s Requirements and Authorization to Operate a College Vehicle at https://clarknet.clark.edu/adminservices/risk/risk-management/driving_requirements.php.
College motor pool (vehicles) may be reserved by submitting an approved Travel Request Authorization at least 15 business days prior to the travel date to the travel coordinator. Exceptions may be granted on an emergent basis.
The approved Travel Request Authorization must be received before the vehicle will be released. The travel packet, including mileage card, credit cards, and van keys may be obtained from the travel coordinator at the departure time designated on the Travel Request Authorization. However, if the designated departure time is either prior to 7:00 a.m. on a class day, or on Saturday or Sunday, the travel packet may be picked up after 12:00 p.m. the class day prior to the scheduled departure.
Vehicles may not be removed from the campus parking lot area until the designated departure time. All persons driving and/or riding in the van must be listed on the Travel Request Authorization.
Only the following persons may travel in College vehicles with authorization of the appropriate College officials:
- State employees.
- Registered students.
- Volunteers registered with Human Resources.
- Children enrolled in the College day-care center.
- Children of students registered in parent cooperative preschools.
- Persons other than the above who are engaged in official College business.
Family members are not to ride in the College vehicles.
Current charge-back rates for motor pool vehicle use are available from the travel
coordinator. If the mileage traveled is not indicated on the mileage card, the responsible
budget will be charged for 25 additional miles above and beyond the destination point.
Motor pool vehicles will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis as written requests are received, unless modified as below:
- The travel coordinator may switch vehicles to ensure that newer vans are used on longer trips.
- Priority disputes on vehicle usage will be up to the vice presidents of respective areas to resolve.
- If a motor pool vehicle cannot be used due to a mechanical problem, the group/person losing the assignment will be that with the most recent request.
Ordinarily, use of College vehicles is restricted to actual College events and not those of other entities, including nonprofit agencies. Exceptions must be reviewed and approved by the Clark College President.
Depending upon the circumstances, damage to a College vehicle, other than normal maintenance, may be charged to the department using the vehicle or the person responsible for the claim. If the motor pool vehicle is returned in an unusually dirty state, a cleaning charge will be levied.
Only employees of the College or persons (including students) registered with Human Resources as volunteers who are 21 years or older may drive College vehicles other than a non-street legal service cart. To drive a non-street legal service cart, the driver must be a College employee or volunteer registered with Human Resources and at least 18 years or older with two years driving experience.
Drivers are to follow all applicable rules for state employees using state vehicles and are to permit no other persons except other designated drivers to operate the vehicle.
Drivers are required to report maintenance problems and any damage occurring to a College vehicle to the travel coordinator immediately upon return of the vehicle.
Drivers are required to possess a current, valid driver's license.
Drivers are required to submit evidence of automobile insurance.
Drivers must ensure that there are sufficient seat belts for all occupants, and drivers must notify occupants that they are required to use the seat belts.
College motor pool vehicles are not accessible for those requiring a lift. If any of the participants listed on the Travel Request Authorization require accessibility due to a disability, the use of the College motor pool vehicle will not be approved. The person requesting the use of the College motor pool vehicle must contact the Disability Support Services Office immediately to discuss accessible transportation options. The requestor also needs to ensure that all accommodation related auxiliary staff (e.g. sign language interpreters, sighted aides, medical assistants) are included in the total count of participants to confirm the correct number of seats.
If the cost of accessible transportation is higher than the current charge-back rates for motor pool vehicle use, the College accommodation budget will cover the additional expense.
In the case of injuries or damage to property resulting from the operation of a College vehicle, drivers have the responsibility of reporting, getting assistance for injured persons, notifying authorities, preventing further damage to the vehicle, and providing for the return of the vehicle to the campus.
Gross negligence in the operation of a College vehicle or deviation from the scope of authority for use of the vehicle (such as using the vehicle for personal use) may result in the driver being held personally liable for resulting damage and/or injury.
Deviation from the scope of authority for use of a College vehicle or violation of traffic safety laws may constitute grounds for disciplinary action against the driver by Clark College and the State of Washington.
Drivers are advised that the State of Washington may attempt, under certain circumstances, to first collect any or all claims arising from the operation of a College vehicle from the driver's personal/private insurance policy. Ordinarily, however, an employee's personal automobile insurance is not responsible for accidents that occur while the employee is acting in the good-faith scope of his/her employment while driving a state vehicle.
Motor pool vehicles are to be returned no later than the scheduled return time/date. If a problem occurs which prevents returning the vehicle on time, drivers are to immediately contact the travel coordinator. Drivers of College vehicles are to ensure the vehicle they are using has all safety equipment (flares, emergency reflectors, jack, spare, etc.), that this equipment is in the vehicle upon return, and that missing items are reported.
January 28, 2014
The College bus may be reserved by submitting an approved Travel Request Authorization at least 15 business days prior to the travel date to the Purchasing Services Travel Coordinator. Exceptions may be made on an emergent basis.
Only Clark College bus drivers are authorized to drive/operate the College bus.
The bus may not be removed from the College parking lot area until the designated departure time, with the exception of taking the bus for fuel, maintenance or washing. All persons riding in the bus must be listed on the Travel Request Authorization.
Only the following persons may travel in the College bus with authorization of the appropriate College officials:
- State employees.
- Registered students.
- Volunteers registered with Human Resources.
- Children enrolled in the College day-care center.
- Children of students registered in cooperative preschools.
- Persons other than the above who are engaged in official College business.
Family members, other than those noted above, are not to ride in the College bus.
Current charge-back rates for the bus are available from the travel coordinator.
The College bus will be assigned to athletic team travel first and then on a first-come,
first-served basis as requests are received. Annual team travel will be scheduled
prior to July 15 of each year. The College reserves the right to modify scheduling
to best meet the needs of the institution. Scheduling conflicts related to bus usage
will be resolved in consultation with the respective executive cabinet members.
Ordinarily, use of the College bus is restricted to actual College events and not
those of other entities, including nonprofit agencies. Exceptions must be reviewed
and approved by the Clark College President.
The College bus is not accessible for those requiring a lift. If any of the participants
listed on the Travel Request Authorization require accessibility due to a disability,
the use of the College bus will not be approved. The person requesting the use of
the College bus must contact the Disability Support Services Office immediately to
discuss accessible transportation options. The requestor also needs to ensure that
all accommodation related auxiliary staff (e.g. sign language interpreters, sighted
aides, medical assistants) are included in the total count of participants to confirm
the correct number of seats.
If the cost of accessible transportation is higher than the current charge-back rates for bus use, the College accommodation budget will cover the additional expense.
Depending upon the circumstances, damage to the College bus, other than normal maintenance, may be charged to the department using the bus or the person responsible for the claim. If the bus is left in an unusually dirty state, a cleaning charge will be levied.
In the case of injuries or damage to property resulting from the operation of the College bus, the driver has the responsibility of reporting, getting assistance for injured persons, notifying authorities, preventing further damage to the bus, and providing for the return of the bus to the campus.
Gross negligence in the operation of a College bus or deviation from the scope of authority for use of the bus (such as using the bus for personal use) may result in the driver being held personally liable for resulting damage and/or injury.
Deviation from the scope of authority for use of the College bus or violation of traffic safety laws may constitute grounds for disciplinary action against the driver by Clark College and the State of Washington.
The College bus is to be returned no later than the scheduled return time/date. The driver will be notified before departure of the next scheduled use of the bus. The driver will notify the travel coordinator if circumstances (e.g., traffic, accident, event ran later than planned, etc...) impact the ability to return the bus prior to the next scheduled departure time.
Airline travel should be initiated via a Travel Request Authorization at least three weeks prior to the travel date. The College will not rent, borrow, or charter aircraft for the use of the College or College personnel. If air travel is required by College personnel, it will only be scheduled through commercial airlines. The travel coordinator will make reservations for airline flights. The preferred airline and flight time should be indicated on the Travel Request Authorization. The travel coordinator will provide notification of flight details. When personal travel is combined with College business, the traveler must make this known to the travel coordinator.
While Driving Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) on College Business
The following applies when an employee drives on College business (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) and the employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) is eligible to be reimbursed for mileage while driving a POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) - see below definition of “Privately Owned Vehicle.”
POV - PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLE: A privately owned (or leased) vehicle, or rented vehicle in the employee’s name.
Per Washington State Enterprise Wide Transportation Policy, State Motor Vehicle Driver Requirements 12.30 - 12.30.10 “When driving on official state business, all state drivers are to have a driver’s license recognized as valid under Washington state law. This license must be in the driver’s possession while operating any motor vehicle used for official state business purposes.”
“Official state business” includes when an employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) is driving a POV on College business (or student activity) and is eligible to be reimbursed for mileage. (“Official state business” is also “official College business”.)
When driving on official College business, employees (or a student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) have the option of using College-owned vehicles or to rent a vehicle through the Purchasing Office. With this option, the state – rather than the individual employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) – assumes primary liability for incidents that may occur while driving on official College business.
APPROVAL to use a POV for College business – per Washington State Enterprise Wide Transportation Policy 12.20.15 and 12.30.30.a:
“When driving privately owned vehicles (POVs) on official state business, state drivers are to comply with the State of Washington's liability insurance laws, Chapters 46.29 and 46.30 RCW. If an accident occurs when the state driver is operating a POV, the state driver’s personal automobile insurance is primary and will be exhausted prior to application of the state’s self-insurance coverage. Insurance deductibles are the responsibility of the POV driver and are not reimbursable by the state.”
The employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) who is requesting to drive a POV on College business must:
- Have a valid, current, and appropriate driver’s license for the vehicle to be operated – and be at least 18 years old.
- Also comply with the State of Washington’s liability insurance laws, Chapters 46.29
and 46.30 RCW – which are as follows: the auto insurance policy must have limits of
at least:
- $25,000 of bodily injury or death of 1 person in any accident.
- $50,000 of bodily injury or death of any 2 people in any 1 accident.
- $10,000 of injury to or destruction of property of others in any 1 accident.
On the Travel Request Authorization (TRA) form, the employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) must initial on the line verifying that they meet the requirements as indicated above. The manager/supervisor is responsible to make sure the employee (or student acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) has initialed appropriately before approving travel request.
Per Washington State Enterprise Wide Transportation Policy, State Motor Vehicle Driver Requirements 12.30.30a – “If an accident occurs when the state driver is operating a POV, the state driver’s personal automobile insurance is primary and will be exhausted prior to application of the state’s self-insurance. Insurance deductibles are the responsibility of the POV driver and are not reimbursable by the state.” A “state driver” is a Clark College employee (or student when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) when driving on Clark College business.
The POV must be in a safe operational condition.
Under no circumstances will the College cover any damage to the employee’s (or student’s when acting in the capacity of an employee of the College) POV.
Personal automobile travel should be initiated via a Travel Request Authorization at least 15 days prior to the travel date. Exceptions may be authorized on an emergent basis. For College business trips not to exceed 100 miles round trip distance, a blanket Travel Request Authorization may be processed for an individual or a department (listing each individual's name) on a fiscal year basis.
Full-time faculty teaching a Clark College course in-load at one of the College's off-site centers may be reimbursed for personal automobile travel for the round trip from Clark to the off-site center and back. If the course causing the reimbursement is at the beginning or end of the workday, the reimbursement will be the lesser of the round trip from Clark College to the off-site center or the trip from Clark College to the off-site center and the faculty member's home.
Adjunct faculty assigned by Clark College to teaching assignments in multiple, geographically different locations will be reimbursed for personal automobile travel only for the travel from the first teaching location to the next teaching location.
Faculty assigned to the off-site center for more than 50 percent of a full-time load, having the off-site center as their regular workplace and teaching Clark courses in-load at Clark College, may be reimbursed for personal automobile travel for the round trip from the off-site center to Clark and back.
Reimbursement will not be provided for other travel situations involving Clark College/off-site center teaching relationships. Requests for reimbursement must be preceded by an approved Travel Request Authorization or blanket Travel Request Authorization.
Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
January 28, 2014
Car rental travel should be initiated via a Travel Request Authorization at least ten days prior to the travel date. All airline and car rental reservations will be placed by the travel coordinator. Those needing car rental services must always consult with the travel coordinator to determine the current contract vendors.
Special rules apply when travel and other related costs are to be reimbursed or paid by the College for a conference, convention, or other meeting of state employees.
First priority is given to the use of state-owned, barrier-free facilities in lieu of renting or leasing other facilities. Site selection should be made with consideration of cost to the College, the suitability of barrier free facilities, and the convenience of any non-state employees who will attend.
If a convention, conference, or meeting is held at a non-state, barrier-free facility at a cost to the state, the person responsible for the choice of the location and facilities must submit justification in advance, in writing, to the president for approval. The justification must include: the purpose and objective of the meeting; the name of the organization(s) or person(s) expected to attend; an estimate of the attendance; an estimate of the anticipated cost to the state, including the travel cost of employees; and the reason why state-owned, barrier-free facilities cannot be used. Clark College departments, committees, or employee groups may not conduct meetings for College-related business at facilities that serve or give the appearance of serving recreational or entertainment purposes.
Special rules apply for the reimbursement of an employee for the cost of a meal, regardless of travel status or the three-hour threshold rule, where it is advantageous to the College (state). All of the following criteria must be met:
- The president must approve payment for the meal in advance of the meeting.
- Justification supporting the authorization, including the names of the state organization(s) or person(s) attending the meeting and the purpose or accomplishment(s), must be included in the documentation.
- The meal must be consumed away from the regular workplace (defined as the building where the employee works).
- The purpose of the meeting must be to conduct official College or state business or to provide formal training to employees.
- The meal must be an integral part of the meeting or training session.
- Reimbursement for a meal may include a customary gratuity and applicable sales tax. Reimbursement for the combined total of the meal and customary gratuity is limited to the applicable per meal limits set by OFM, except when the president or designee approves payment of the actual cost of the meal because the employee is required to attend a meeting being held or sponsored by a non-state organization. The meal cost must be documented by a receipt attached to the submitted Travel Expense Voucher.
- Reimbursement of expenditures for meals for anniversaries of agencies; individual employment anniversaries; receptions for new, current, and/or retiring employees or officials; election celebrations, etc., is prohibited under these regulations.
- Hosting is not eligible for reimbursement. Hosting includes, but is not limited to, those activities that are social rather than state business and include providing for guests.
- A Travel Request Authorization must be used for approval; a Travel Expense Voucher must be used for payment.
- Prior approval on a fiscal year basis can be requested.
Special rules apply for the payment of the expense of coffee or light refreshments by the College. "Coffee" encompasses any nonalcoholic beverage such as tea, soft drinks, juice, or milk. A "light refreshment" is an edible item that may be served between meals such as doughnuts, sweet rolls, pieces of fruit or cheese, etc. All of the following criteria must be met:
- Approval by the president for the serving of coffee and/or light refreshments must
be obtained by the College person responsible for the meeting or formal training session
prior to the event.
- Reimbursement is allowed for special situations or occasions and not for the normal
daily business of employees, as determined by the president.
- The purpose of the meeting must be to conduct College or state business or to provide
formal training that benefits the College or state.
- The coffee or light refreshments must be an integral part of the meeting or formal
training session.
- Reimbursement of expenditures for coffee and/or light refreshments for anniversaries
of agencies; individual employment anniversaries; receptions for new, current, and/or
retiring employees or officials; election celebrations, etc., is prohibited under
these regulations.
- Hosting is not eligible for reimbursement. Hosting includes, but is not limited to,
those activities that are social rather than a state business event and include providing
for guests.
- Expenditures for coffee and/or light refreshments may be made as part of a recognition
award subject to the limit per RCW 41.60.150 (currently $200.00). Expenditures for
recognition awards are coded to object "EG.”
- A Purchase Request must be used for approval. Normal procedures are used for reimbursement
or payment, but approval must be obtained from the president prior to the purchase.
Expenditures for coffee and/or light refreshments are coded to object code "GD."
- Justification supporting the authorization, including the names of the state organization(s)
or person(s) attending the meeting and the purpose or accomplishment(s), must be included
in the submitted paperwork.
- Receipts for the actual costs of the coffee and/or light refreshments must be obtained
and submitted.
- Refreshment items ordered via the College Supply process must have justification for the purchase attached to the College Supply form. The College Supply Order form and justification should be sent to the College president for approval of the purchase prior to being sent to the College Supply coordinator. The justification for the food purchase shall include the names of of the state organization(s) and the purpose of accomplishment(s) to be achieved in the meeting(s).