Academic Excellence

Facilitate student learning by providing the conditions for intellectual growth through scholarship, discovery, application, creativity, and critical thinking.



Indicators of Achievement

AE4. Create and advance accessible, integrated, and technology-enriched learning environments.

Increase the number of Smart classrooms.

Work toward implementing a training program to assist Faculty in utilizing online support tools to enhance student learning environments.

Expand Clark's current digital wireless environment with mobile device management in support of utilizing tools that would be effective in supporting technology enriched learning environments for students.

Increase the number of course sections offered online and hybrid without compromising course success.

Increase the faculty utilization of Canvas for coursework.

100% of the new and remodeled learning spaces have adhered to the criteria listed in the Academic Plan, Goal 4. 

85% or more students agree that learning environment includes appropriate technology to support student learning.

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2017-2018 Strategies