Update User Information

This will include changes to current information and/or adding phone numbers and/or email associated with the account.

Update User Profile

  1. To update your First and/or Last name click the EDIT button.UserProfileEdit

  2. Update your First and/or Last name. Username is not editable.UserProfileEdit
  3. Click Save. If you do not want to save your changes click cancel and it will revert any changes.

Change Password

  1. To Change your password click the CHANGE button. PasswordClip

  2. Enter your New Password. Then re-enter your New Password.UpdatePassword
  3. Click Save. If you do not want save your changes click cancel and it will revert any changes.

Add a Mobile Phone Number

  1. Click the Add button next to the Mobile Phones header.
  2. Follow the directions b through d in the section titled Updating Mobile Phone (see #3).
  3. Check your My Account Dashboard to make sure the correct number(s) appear MultipleMobileNos

Updating Mobile Phone Information

  1. Click the edit button associated with the corresponding Mobile Phone number.MobilePhoneSingle

  2. Enter the your Mobile Number. Click Continue.EnterMobilePhoneNo
  3. Confirm your mobile phone Carrier. Click Continue.ConfirmCarrier
  4. The message displayed should read: "Successfully added [your mobile number] to your contacts list." Click Done.

Delete a Mobile Phone Number

  1. Click the Delete button
  2. A pop-up will appear asking if the user is sure that about deleting the Mobile Contact.

  3. Clicking delete will permanently delete the mobile number.
  4. Clicking the (X) button located at the top right will cancel out the action of deletion

Add a Preferred Email Address

*Note: The registration email will always be a Clark email address. The Clark email address provided will never be editable or have the option to be deleted.

  1. Click the Add button
  2. Enter your Preferred Email
  3. Check your My Account Dashboard to make sure the number/s appear

Update a Preferred Email Address Information

  1. To update your Preferred Email Address click the edit button next to your currently set preferred email.
  2. Update your Preferred Email to the email that you would now like to receive RAVE notifications.

  3. Click Save. If you do not want save your changes click cancel and it will revert any changes.

Delete a Preferred Email Address

  1. Click the Delete button.
  2. A pop-up will appear asking if the user is sure that about deleting the Mobile Contact.

  3. Clicking delete will permanently delete the mobile number.
  4. Clicking the (X) button located at the top right will cancel out the action of deletion