myDSS (Student Portal)

Welcome, myDSS is an online system which allows students to manage their accommodation plans or for notetakers to volunteer to help students.

DSS Students: 

If you are a student who is not yet connected to our office, you will need to complete a Getting Started form.  Note: This form is only intended for students who are new to requesting accommodations, and/or have not contacted our office previously.

If you are already connected with DSS and have an accommodation plan, then myDSS allows you to request accommodations, schedule upcoming exams, review your accommodation plan, etc.  Please click the following links for various directions on how to use myDSS:

Log into myDSS

Helpful Guides

On 8/30/34 we upgraded our myDSS system and are getting things set up. The Helpful Giudes will be updated soon!

Notetakers: Signing up to be a note taker? 

Students who want to volunteer to be a notetaker for a student in their class, need to sign in to the Log into myDSS link/button.

If you want to volunteer as a notetaker for a student in your class and you are already approved for accommodations, please contact us at as the process is slightly different if you have accommodations.