News Releases

May 25, 2011
For Immediate Release
For additional information: 
Barbara Kerr, APR
Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
Telephone: 360-992-2921


Social work practice is policy practice

On May 31, as part of their studies at Clark College,
students in EWU’s Master’s of Social Work program 
will welcome state representatives and testify before a simulated legislative panel


VANCOUVER, Wash. – Today’s social work professionals must have a wide range of skills – including advocacy for their clients. 

To practice those skills, the students in Eastern Washington University’s Master’s of Social Work program, offered at Clark College, will host a simulated legislative panel on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m.

The event, which will be held in Room 201 of Anna Pechanic Hall, will feature a panel of Washington legislators.  They will hear student testimony related to pending legislation on the state and federal levels. State representatives Jim Moeller, Ann Rivers and Sharon Wylie have confirmed their participation.

The legislative testimony presentation is a class assignment for the program’s social welfare policy class.  Groups of one to four presenters will speak briefly and take a position on pending state or federal legislation.  The hearing simulation will follow guidelines for providing testimony to state legislatures.  In all, approximately 16 student groups will make presentations on topics including homelessness, education funding, and child prostitution.  The session is expected to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.

Student Kathryn Scott, who is one of the organizers of the event, said “Planning and presentation at this event is helping us prepare to fully engage in policy advocacy as social workers.  It is our duty and expectation to work diligently in a variety of social justice arenas.  As we have learned this quarter, social work practice is policy practice.” 
